Summer solstice: what is it and at what time does it happen …


he summer solstice marks the transition from spring to summer and the day that occurs is the longest of the year. It doesn’t happen every year at the same time. In this 2021, it takes place today December 21.

The summer solstice occurs when the south pole of the Earth is at the point closest to the Sun. In return, the equator is at its furthest point.

The phenomenon is related to the 23.5 ° inclination that the Earth’s axis has relative to the plane of its orbit as it rotates around the Sun. the summer solstice will take place at exactly 10:02 a.m.. The Sun will reach its maximum altitude at noon.

The the word solstice comes from latin. It derives from union of the terms sun and sistere, which means “to stand still”. With the arrival of summer, the hottest season begins.


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