Summit between Russia and the United States for the crisis in Venezuela


The two governments declare to seek a dialogue between the government and the Venezuelan opponents Source: AP

WASHINGTON.- In the middle of a crisis of crisis


the government of

Nicolás Maduro,

who has been facing weekly marches for weeks
repudiation of their management and the pressure exerted by the Leader of the Opposition,

Juan Guaidó,

who badumed as president in charge before the ignorance of the elections that led to
Chavista in power,

United States



They will arrange a meeting in search of an issue.

The Kremlin, one of the few governments that still support Venezuela, and the White House, for Maduro, the leader of sabotage against him, will bring positions to Rome, Italy, to strengthen the dialogue between the government and Venezuelan opponents.

US Special Representative for Venezuela Elliott Abrams will meet with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Riabkov in the Italian capital. Italian representatives, including Diplomatic Advisor to Prime Minister Pietro Benbadi, will join them.

The news was advanced yesterday by the US State Department and ratified today by the Russian government.

Russia meets US to endorse support for Nicolás Maduro
Russia meets US to endorse support for Nicolás Maduro Source: AFP

"We will urgently present to the US side all our positions, including the inadmissibility of military intervention and, in general, illegal foreign interference and pressure against the legitimate government "of Nicolás Maduro, said the Russian diplomat, quoted by Interfax Agency.

"In this case, Moscow and Washington maintain diametrically opposed positions, but this should not be a reason not to mention it," said Mr Riabkov, who said he would inform the special envoy that Russia would defend its cooperation with the Venezuelan government.

"Of course, we will insist that any cooperation between Moscow and Caracas is absolutely legal," said the official.

Vladimir Poutine,

who also warned that attempts to prevent it "have an impact on the state of Russian-US relations and on Russia's relations with other countries acting in much the same way as the states." -United".

"We will do everything to defend our cooperation with Caracas," he said. Yesterday, in his message, the White House said that Abrams would talk with Riabkov about "the situation increasingly deteriorated in Venezuela".

Crisis in Venezuela
Crisis in Venezuela Source: AFP – Credit: Luis Robayo

Telam and ANSA agencies


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