Summit right to challenge the EU | Arti …


Yesterday, the Piazza del Duomo in Milan was the launch pad for ultra-right and ultra-nationalist forces looking to challenge the European Union. A week before the elections to the European Parliament, Italy's Interior Minister and Vice-President Matteo Salvini summoned eleven leaders of far-right parties from several EU countries. Among those present were the French Navy Le Pen from the National Regroupement (RN) and the Dutchman Geert Wilders from the Freedom Party (PVV), who spoke with brief speeches. The law also served to proclaim Salvini as the main leader of the sovereignty and the group Europe of Nations and Freedoms (ENL), which hopes to become the third force in the European Parliament.

Austrian MEP Harald Vilimsky of the Freedom Party, President of the Czech Republic for Freedom and Direct Democracy, Tomio Okamura, and Alternativa President for Germany, Jorg Meuthen, have also crossed the stage. The nomination, however, was missed by Salvini's great ally, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

In addition to hiring Salvini and the Italian "patriots", right-wing leaders have criticized the political leaders of other European countries as well as those of the union. "It is a historic day, we have been waiting for a long time and finally it was under the Italian sky," says Marine Le Pen, received in Milan as a big star and its main ally. Like the rest of those who took the microphone, Le Pen also attacked immigration, arguing that she was putting European countries at risk. "We do not want this oligarchy without roots and without soul that directs us with the ambition to want the submission of our nations," said the leader of the French right. "On May 26, we will lead the revolution throughout Europe, and on May 26, we will restore power to the people, and Europe will raise its head," said Le Pen, who accepted the vote on Tuesday. the French presidential election in 2017.

The Dutch Wilders, meanwhile, attacked what he saw as "the orders of the superstars" of the union and asked, "Enough of immigration, enough of Islam." "We can not trust the political elite of Europe.They want to impose their laws.They want to flood our countries with additional immigrants and we can not afford it.We need to limit immigration.We have to stop l & # 39; Islamization, "added the PVV leader between two major ovations.

Like the other political leaders who spoke in Milan yesterday, Salvini pleaded against migration and promised that if they managed to be the first party in Europe, they would not let in any more migrants. Against the Muslim religion, he also launched his criticism: "A religion that says that a woman is less than a man can order at home".

The new prince of the European far right has deployed all the rhetorical artillery. He quoted Churchill, Chesterton, gave the example to Margaret Thatcher and De Gaulle. Popes John Paul II (1978-2005) and Benedict XVI (2005-2013) have not been forgotten on stage either. Salvini remembered in his enlightened speech that concluded with a rosary in his hand and an allusion to the Virgin Mary: "I give my life to the immaculate heart of Mary," he concluded.

For his part, the head of the German AfD, Jörg Meuthen, reiterated these attacks against the European elite. In particular, he addressed European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to the European Central Bank Mario Draghi, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron.

"Salvini is our captain, he has managed to bring many people together and regain the pride of being Italian, who had been lost," said Elena Alessandria, a retired woman who had attended the ceremony. event yesterday. "We want to return to what we were before, a dignified and independent nation," Alessandria concluded.

The "Salvini Day", described by most media outlets, was the big event that sought to position Salvini as a key figure in the future European Parliament. "Salvini represents the hope: it is the only one to defend the interests of Italians in Italy, in Europe and in the world," said textile worker Luigi Tagliabue, who is among the protesters.

According to all polls, La Liga will win the European elections in Italy. The League would draw about 30%, eight points higher than the Democratic Party (PD) and the Five Star Movement. Despite losing four points last month due to a corruption scandal, the La Liga would be almost double what it had taken in the parliamentary elections a little over a year ago.


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