Sunday warning against anti-immigrant raids in the United States


Thousands of people have returned to the streets of various US cities to protest against President Donald Trump's decision to raid tomorrow to stop and mbadively deport undocumented immigrants.

Called by the Lights for Liberty activist platform, the marches demanded the closure of detention centers and the government's backtracking with its plan to stop migrants whose documents are irregular.

With candles and banners in hand, the protesters will participate in a vigil of vigil in different parts of the United States and in other countries of the region to ask the Trump government to close the detention centers for immigrants, described by the organizers as follows: "concentration camps".

"Do not open the door, you have rights" or "if you enter the house, do not resist", these are the tips that immigrant groups offer to undocumented immigrants, reported CNN in Chicago.

"We do not know exactly how many people can be affected in Houston, they said that the country would have about 2,000 people," said today the executive director of FIEL Houston NGO, César Espinosa, in statements to the EFE news agency.

Houston is one of nine cities where Trump's Immigration and Customs Service (ICE) searches are expected to start deporting undocumented immigrants.

Other cities are: New York, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta, Baltimore and Denver. It was expected that raids would also be carried out in New Orleans, but the arrival of a hurricane forced the suspension of the operation.

Despite the fact that these operations will not make sense with deportation orders, according to authorities, Espinosa warned that "when (agencies) immigration enters a house, they can pay only for sinners, because they can open the door without a warrant against them. "

According to data from Espinosa, there would be about 600,000 undocumented immigrants in Houston, "most of them are individuals, but there are also many families", out of a population of 1.5 million immigrants, mostly of Mexican descent.

"We are waiting to see if Trump is focusing solely on people waiting for an eviction order," said the FIEL Houston official.

According to the New York Times, citing immigration officials, the authorities will first of all face the 2,000 immigrants who have already received a deportation order.

At the same time, an armed gunman who fired incendiary bombs at an immigration detention center in Tacoma, Washington, died at the hands of police in the early hours of the morning, reported the New York Times.

Authorities said the man had burned a vehicle and tried to blow up a propane tank and set fire to the premises.

Tacoma police have not yet clarified the facts. It is only known that police fired at and killed him, but it is unclear whether he attacked them, local media reported.

The name of the attacker has not yet been revealed by the Tacoma police, but it was reported that the incident had not caused any injuries.

While opposition to Trump's immigration policy is growing as the inhumane conditions faced by people in border detention centers are being exposed.

Trump had threatened to launch the raids for three weeks, but had delayed a bit his plan to give an "opportunity" to the Democratic opposition to negotiate a change in the asylum system in the country.

However, in the absence of dialogue, the president resumed his work this week.


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