Super caramelized Jimena Barón and Rodrigo Romero formalize their idyll – 07/22/2018


Jimena Barón (31) and Rodrigo Romero (29) were shown together and embraced for the first time: it was this Saturday at the Sony Theater in Palermo. The couple went to see the Cuban singer Heidi Viciedo who is also a singer in the band of actress and singer.

A few minutes before the show began, Barón and Romero arrived in a taxi and they could not avoid the first official images of the romance he had been talking about for several days.

  Jimena Barón sang a song by Luis Miguel with Heidi Viciedo. (Movilpress)

Jimena Barón sang a song by Luis Miguel with Heidi Viciedo. (Movilpress)

Then, they placed themselves in the VIP with a group of friends. They drank beer and enjoyed the voice of Heidi, who invited Jimena to go on stage Thus, they sang together some songs, among them, The Bikina, of Luis Miguel

After the show, the couple and their friends went to dinner at the restaurant El Estanciero ] in Las Cañitas. They were there until 2 am . Jimena and Rodrigo left the place in Viciedo's truck

All this happened a day after Baron's return from Rio de Janeiro. Janeiro and in dialogue with Intruders (America, from Monday to Friday at age 13) will deny having been to Brazil with Romero.

  Baron and Romero, super caramel. (Movilpress)

Baron and Romero, super caramel. (Movilpress)

For photos that appeared on Instagram, each with the same basic elements, there was no doubt that they had shared a few days on the beach.

"Do you know Rodrigo ? " they asked Jimena. "No, nothing to see," she replied with a smile. "I did not see any photo … I was alone …"

– He heard the ex of Rodrigo (Macarena) and said that she was very angry … What do you think? statements

-I'm not going to get into a whore, guys, you know me … I'm very hardworking, very happy …

-For whatever reason you do not do not want to recognize this relationship?

-I have nothing to recognize … I am a normal mine … There are times when we have to talk and others who do not not …

  Baron and Romero, with pure laughter and dancing. (Movilpress)

Baron and Romero, laughs and pure dances. (Movilpress)

As it turned out, the love between Jimena and Rodrigo would have arisen a few months ago, in the middle of filming El Potro, The best of love will be released in October and tells the story of the cantoned idol who died in a car accident in 2000.

In the biopic Rodrigo puts himself in the shoes of Rodrigo Bueno, and Jimena interprets Marixa Balli who was one of the singer's most important partners.

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