"Super machito": Henry Cavill's macho provocation for which he had to apologize


"Superman" on the big screen and "super-withered" in everyday life? Henry Cavill, the Australian actor charged with giving life to the "steel man" in the DC film universe, was strongly disavowed after an interview with GQ magazine where he presented his point of view on the interactions between men and women

. "There is something wonderful about a man who runs after a woman, there is a traditional point of view, which is good, I think that a woman should be complimented and persecuted, but I'm maybe to be a little old fashioned. Then, in the same conversation, the actor adds that he is worried about the current situation because of the large number of complaints that have been produced by cases of abuse and badual harbadment among celebrities: "It's very difficult to do that, if some rules exist, because it's something like," Well, I'd better not talk to him because that they're going to call me rapist or something of the sort. "

Justice League" went on to give explanations saying that "insensitivity was not my intention." In light of this, I would like to clarify and confirm that I have always had and that I will always have the utmost consideration towards women, no matter what type of relationship I have it is a matter of friendship, professional or otherwise, I have never pretended to be disrespectful. "

Finally, no matter what the interpretation te of the most recent version of the comic book hero, "Superman" has brought some of the misunderstanding to the media: "This experience has taught me lesson on context and nuance of editorial freedoms. I hope to be able to clarify my position in the future on a subject that is so important and that I wholeheartedly support. "

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