Super Marley Sunday with Paula Chaves, Ciccolina, Roger Waters, Isabel Macedo and her daughter


Marley interviewed Roger Waters

The latest issue of
Around the World was one of the most versatile in terms of guests. By visiting the city of Rome accompanied by

Paula Chaves
and his son Baltazar,

with Mirko, he played in several very special moments

After marching in Piazza di Spagna, Paula and Marley began the program that began with the formal presentation between the model and the little Mirko. Then they visited different parts of the Italian city, including important historical sites such as the Pantheon, to other more curious as the largest toy store in Rome or a shop called Bartolucci who specializes in articles based on Pinocchio

. the restaurant of Donato Di Santis, the famous chef who made a big part of his career in Argentina, and he gave them the opportunity to taste the famous Suppli, a very popular dish of his place. Another of the most important segments of the show showed Marley and Paula visiting the Vatican, and at that moment the driver recalled a few words that Pope Francis told him when he was waiting for the birth of Mirko. And although this time they could not talk to him, they saw him from a distance in a totally unexpected moment.

And from the moment with Francisco, the drivers changed their tone and exchanged a brief dialogue with Cicciolina, who recognized He is dedicated to politics and entertainment. Then Marley was a few minutes with Isabel Macedo and Juan Manuel Urtubey, who introduced Mirko to little Belita.

And in the closing Marley interviewed Roger Waters. In this dialogue, the musician reviewed the importance of the numerous recitals he had in Buenos Aires, and said that the world is currently seeing "the resurgence of fascism." Finally, Waters reminded the public that he would return to Argentina next November

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