Superhero Woman Pushed Truck Uphill, Company Awarded With Free Dairy Products | the Chronicle


A 33-year-old woman helped push a dairy truck up a snowy hill and, for this action, was rewarded with a year of free dairy products that the company itself gave her by learning the “kind” gesture.

It is Charlene leslie which was filmed this Tuesday pushing a huge milk truck from the Scottish dairy company Graham’s, in a snow covered street in Cowdenbeath, Fife in Scotland, after the storm storm darcy.

According to the woman said Daily News, she was on her way to work in a supermarket when she saw that the truck was struggling to climb the hill as its wheels were spinning on the frozen road.

“A lot of people were trying to push a car up the hill when I noticed Graham’s truck following him. His front wheels were slipping and he was stuck in all the snow. My neighbor appeared, so I asked her to watch the children and the dog while I pushed him “, he told Leslie.

At that point, he didn’t hesitate and asked a neighbor to look after his children so he could help the truck. After successfully completing her task, the woman recognized that “it was very dangerous” what he did. However, Leslie pointed out that “Fortunately Graham’s truck climbed the hill safely”.

“I would never stand idly by when I saw someone in trouble. I wasn’t really thinking of myself, I just wanted to help., said the heroic mother who at that time was with her daughter Rihanna 10 years and hunter fingers.

Recognition of the owner of the family business

For its part, Robert graham, owner of the family business highlighted the effort and help of the noble woman and, after giving her a year of their products for free, described her gesture as “incredibly nice”.

“When I saw the video of Charlene pushing one of our articulated trucks down a steep hill without anyone’s help, I couldn’t believe it”, underlined the businessman, who gave him the gift “like thank you from the heart”.

“He finally reached the top safely. I can’t believe all the attention I get for what I have done. It was a pleasure to meet Mr. Graham because I am a huge fan of the family farm brand and its products.commented Leslie, who noticed that did not do it for “to receive something in return”, but who, anyway, is “absolutely delighted” with the offer made by the business owner.


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