Surprise and concern: two gorillas have contracted coronavirus


Two gorillas At the San Diego Zoo, Southern California they tested positive for the coronavirus and were quarantined, in the first known case of transmission of Covid-19 in these mammals, was reported today.

“We have two gorillas from the San Diego Zoo who have tested positive for Covid-19” and a third with symptoms, reported the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, during a press conference on the pandemic.

“We are in the process of confirming the source of infection», Added the Californian governor, according to the press agency AFP.

“Except a little congestion and cough, the gorillas are doing well, ”he said in Lisa Peterson, executive director of the San Diego Zoo, one of the largest wildlife parks in the world.

“The members of the group (gorillas) they all stay together in quarantine and eat and drink. We are optimistic about their full recovery, ”added the official.

The San Diego Zoo is located closed to the public due to the pandemic and his officials suspect that hegorillas were infected by “an asymptomatic employee” that, however, he followed the precautionary measures recommended by health authorities and wore a mask when he was near animals, AFP added.

Studies have shown that some primate species can contract the Covid-19 virus, “but this is the first known case of natural transmission to great apes and it is not known if they will show a serious reaction“said the zoo statement.

Humans and other primates have a very similar genome, and gorillas have about 98% of their DNA in common.

In Africa, chimpanzees and gorillas have been wiped out by the bullet virus.


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