Surprised rats "ninja" fighting snakes | Chronic


American scientists placed cameras in an Arizona desert and captured surprising maneuvers of rats defending themselves against snakes trying to eat them. The study found that less than half of the reptiles attacks ended successfully.

The videos, released in slow motion because of the speed of attacks and defenses, testified to the rivalry between the two species. By badyzing the images, they discovered the incredible ability of rats to dodge and counter reptilian attacks.

In addition, they determined that even though a rattlesnake can reach its prey in less than 100 milliseconds and that the rats can react in just 38 milliseconds, they can jump very high and escape with great skill from true ninjas.

It has also been shown that the hind paws of rats are used as effective weapons and, even when they are stung, they are able to use these limbs to kick in the air. .

"The mafic performances of rattlesnakes and kangaroo rats occur during these interactions, and the high-speed camera has perfectly highlighted the factors of the battle", said Timoteo Higham, co-author of the investigations.


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