Surprises and no surprises in Brazil – 13/02/2019


Bolsonaro spent a month and a half in government and spent 18 days in boarding, recovering from the knife that he struck during the campaign. He spent almost as long with the hospital pajamas as with the president's costume.

And it happened that the government was in the hands of his vice, the loquacious general Hamilton Mourao who made noise from many sides without this, the markets will be changed. Yes, they will examine the political and social path of the pension reform that increases the age of retirement and wants no one in 20 years to retire with less than 40 years of contributions and 65 years for life. This is a key reform because of the huge imbalance of the budget accounts.

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"Me at the hospital … and you at the barbecue. Do you want to kill me?", Joked the president with his vice president, who took his position very seriously and met with prominent leaders of the CUT, the Brazilian CGT attached to Lula's PT. Mourao also insisted on letting Lula go in the footsteps of one of his brothers, what the lower courts have denied and the Court has approved, although when the wake had already pbaded. Things like that do not happen in Argentina.

Not two months have pbaded and Mourao already has a more than tense relationship with the sons of Bolsonaro, especially with Eduardo, a friend of former Trump strategist Steve Bannon. Many heard Eduardo's voice when Bannon told Folha de S.Paulo that Mourao "This is not very useful," "it's unpleasant" and "get out of your line". Mourao answered with humor: "I am a good guy." He also reacted with humor when, in a Rio restaurant, a gay couple began to kiss when they saw him.

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Another noise: Mourao pleaded for the decriminalization of abortion and the abandonment of the debate on the transfer of the embbady in Jerusalem. and he was traversed by active evangelical activism that supports the president. The first draft of the deputies was a pastor, Sargento Isidorio: he asked to declare the Bible historical, cultural and intangible heritage of Brazil. The evangelist bench, called of the Bible, It is one of three themes. The other two are Beef, agribusiness, and Ball, security forces. Together they form the BBB. They are over 200 out of 500.

Pastor Isidorio travels to his state of Bahia to criticize drug use and attack homobaduals. One of your favorite targets is the singer Daniela Mercury, a "demonized slave of Satan". Also some narrow-minded people, a party member from Bolsonaro presented a project for veto bad education and gender discussions in schools. And another went further: asked to ban the IUD and the morning after pill. He garnered so much criticism that he had to hand over the equipment.

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Bolsonaro was chosen because of his rejection of Lula and Lula's corruption. But the leader of his party and secretary of the presidency, Gustavo Bebianno, was about to knock out after learning that about $ 110,000 of public election funding to one of his candidates, who received 274 votes.

The pope announced the creation of a synod on the theme of the environment and the indigenous population of the Amazon. The government seeks to neutralize the meeting as much as Francisco the advancement of Evangelical churches in Brazil, which has the largest Catholic population in the world. It is there that Bergoglio told the young people: "Make a mess, but a disorder caused by the knowledge of Jesus." That was what made the bazaar. Few things he could have predicted that in the end, even in the name of Jesus, Bolsonaro would provoke him.



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