Surprising case shocks Brazil: they believe woman who has been in a coma for over 20 years was kidnapped as a child


The case is all in suspense Brazil: a woman hospitalized in a coma for almost 21 years could be a girl who disappeared in 1976 in Guarapari, in the state of Espírito Santo, north of Rio de Janeiro. clarinha (Clarita), as her caregivers call her, has been in a bed at the military hospital in Vitoria, the state capital, since she was hit by a bus in 2000. The newspaper reported it Additional.

Clarinha entered the health center without papers. Since then, attempts have been made to identify it in different ways, but without success. However, new reviews conducted last year have lit a silver lining.

After learning of the case, according to the Rio de Janeiro newspaper, a group of experts from the National Public Security Force (FNSP) contacted the Public Ministry of Espírito Santo (MPES), which was in charge. of the investigation.

This team used a facial comparison technique and compared them with images from a missing persons tracing database with similar physical characteristics to Clarinha’s.

According to a note from the agency, experts reached a 1 year and 9 month old girl who disappeared in Guarapari in 1976. At the time of the disappearance, the girl’s family, from Minas Gerais, were vacationing in Espírito. Holy.

The woman is apparently in her 40s, an age considered compatible with the kidnapped girl while walking with her family on the beaches of Guarapari.

A facial recognition test was carried out by a company in southern Brazil specializing in this type of work. The result confirmed that the images of Clarinha and the girl who disappeared in 1976 are compatible.

During this time, genetic research began to determine his identity. A sample of the woman’s DNA was sent to civilian police of Minas Gerais, where the data of the parents of the missing girl are archived.

How was the case

According to Additional, Clarinha was crushed in 2000 on an avenue in the center of the city of Vitoria, the capital of the state of Espírito Santo. Witnesses said the woman was escaping from an unidentified person.

Seriously injured, the woman underwent several surgeries until she was referred to the military hospital. He has since been in a vegetative state.

In 2016, after a report on national television, 102 families of missing persons approached to try to help identify and see if it was indeed the wanted person. Of that total, 22 presented data similar to Clarinha’s profile, but DNA testing ruled out any link. Now, a new hope opens to finally know who is the woman who keeps Brazilian society in suspense.


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