Surprising Government defeat, triple viral vaccine trials and extradition of Maduro figurehead


Monday, September 13, 2021 8:00 a.m.

The summary of the news of Cada Mañana with the most striking information of the day: the result of the elections and the extradition of Alex Saab to the United States.


The ruling party has triumphed in six provinces. There were two triumphs of the provincial parties and in 16 the opposition triumphed.

The government was already arriving with internal tractions, with an attempt by Kirchnérisme to advance on the cabinet of President Fernández. The only thing we know so far is the speech President Fernández gave, which lasted 7 minutes.

Everyone was struck by the president’s definition that “I want nothing more than to finish this term,” as if this earthquake could affect that president’s goal and this tenure rule.

Regarding vaccination, Argentina practically did not vaccinate yesterday, there were 5,900 people vaccinated. 62% of Argentines were vaccinated with one dose and 38% with two.

2800 contaminations were recorded on Friday, Saturday 1490 and yesterday Sunday 930. As for the people who died on Friday, 183 people died, 74 died on Saturday and 46 died on Sunday.

There was an outbreak of the Delta variant at the ORT school in Núñez.

There is a huge stock of unapplied vaccines.

The call for volunteers to test a triple viral vaccine led by Dr. Polack hit the headlines.


At the pandemic level, the world recorded 1.5 million cases over the weekend.

Argentina remains in ninth place in the world.

On Saturday, the whole world watched New York. President Bush participated in a tribute to the victims of the crashed plane in Pennsylvania. President Trump participated as a commentator in a boxing match.

Nicaraguan writer Sergio Ramírez has an arrest warrant from the Nicaraguan regime of Daniel Ortega. This generated an international reaction with the exception of the Argentine government.

In Spain, they arrested Pollo Carvajal, who was Venezuela’s intelligence chief. They are going to extradite him to the United States for participating in large-scale drug trafficking.

Much turmoil around the arrest and impending extradition to the United States of Alex Saab, leader of President Maduro.

There have been incidents in Chile. In tribute to former President Salvador Allende.

Pope Francis has started a tour of Hungary and Slovakia. In Hungary, the Pope met with President Orban and warned of the resurgence of anti-Semitism and outbreaks of hatred in Europe.

The Taliban regime has started the persecution of women.

The character of the weekend in Europe is a woman. Anne Hidaldo, mayor of Paris, has just announced her candidacy for the presidency of France.

A very unfavorable reaction from the Republican Party in the USA against the quasi-binding nature of President Biden.

In Italy, they are already planning the vaccination of minors with significant progress. In Ecuador, there is talk of applying a third dose.


In the economic field, the Central Bank lost about $ 900 million in reserves in 12 rounds.

Dr Melconian, in a report he presented over the weekend, said “the dollar is not viable by November”.

Juan Carlos De Pablo said that “we are about to see a Rodrigazo arrive”.

The Hidrovía made the news again. He had a concession that expired. They changed their name, it is no longer called Hidrovía and is now called Vía Navegable Troncal.

“Will Fernández have a government intervention from Cristina Kirchner?

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