Survey of tonnes transported by the Belgrano Cargas



In the first six months of the year, with 854,419 tonnes accumulated, the Belgrano Railway carried the largest number of registered shipments in its history.

The train that joins the provinces of NOA with the ports of Gran Rosario, has already completed its first 500 kilometers of new tracks, after a year and a half of work. The train reduced its 10-day commute times from Salta and Rosario and carries twice as many tons as in 2015.

"We are conducting the largest recovery ever made in our freight train, so The production of regional economies is slower and cheaper for the ports of Rosario for export, a fundamental contribution to development that aims to promote the Belgrano plan of all the northern cities that develop hand-in-hand with the train. "said Guillermo Dietrich, Minister of Transport of the Nation.

During the first semester, between the Belgrano and San Martín Urquiza railways, operated by the state-owned Trenes Argentinos Cargas, under the Ministry of Transport, they reached 1,990,433 tons, or 73% more than six months of the year. past year. This freight record has not been achieved since 2013. "The company is transforming railway management into an operator of excellence, focusing on operations with greater load density, productivity and reliability. profitability, generating a new model of relationship with customers, "said Ezequiel Lemos, president of Tranes Argentinos Cargas.

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