Susana Giménez: I think Macri will win. Otherwise, we still have Venezuela


April 11, 2019
– 9:04 pm

The phone diva has criticized some government measures, but has once again underlined its support for Cambiemos

To clarify several points concerning the theft of one of his homes in Uruguay, Susana Giménez He did a kind of media gathering. Taking advantage of the predisposition of the diva phones to grant interviews, reporters have asked questions about the situation in Argentina and have published several titles.

"I see the country complicated, the truth is that I do not understand what's going on, there are merchants who profit and raise prices too much, it's like they're ahead of the curve." Inflation, "he said.

In this sense, whoever recognizes their friendship with Mauricio Macri He repeated his support for change"I hope it will be solved differently, otherwise we still have Venezuela, I think Macri will win," he said.

For her part, Susana showed a certain social sensitivity and felt that everything is complicated when "catches catfish".

"People are very mean, I understand that this government has against Congress, a sector of the press that undermines the minds of many people, but I also believe that many people say they do not make ends meet. Against that, there is nothing, "he said.

In addition, he found it necessary more state intervention in some day-to-day matters: "The government can give an order and not increase things, people can not anymore".


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