Susana Giménez: "I'm afraid of communism, I'm afraid of the left …" – 04/11/2019


After having entered one of the mansions they have in Uruguay and having taken various elements of value, Susana Giménez spoke about the government of Mauricio Macri, the economic crisis, Venezuela and even got to say: "I'm afraid of communism, I'm afraid of my left …"

"I see it complicated, like everyone -It started TN about the reality of the country Things are growing too much. I understand that they left our coffers empty, but when people get stung by catfish and their pockets are empty, they do not care about anything anymore. It's hard for me to comment because I'm totally in favor of the government, but I understand the whole world protesting. "

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"In April, the increases would stop," said all politicians with whom I met during the gala for the King of Spain. I was with five very important guys, not with the president. And they swore that they were finished. The truth is that I do not understand, "said the diva during a phone conversation.

In this sense, he gave his opinion on what he would do: "I would freeze the food, at least the essential. Whatever bread, eggs, meat, milk, everything a family needs. polenta I think they have to go to all the supermarkets. Here is the money that hurts people. If you have a fine … Let three or four thousand people go out to control. "

Mauricio Macri and Susana Giménez

Mauricio Macri and Susana Giménez

Regarding the Macri government, they are considered "honest people", but that "It's difficult when people touch your pocket without making ends meet. " He finished on the subject: "I hope this will be solved in one way or another. But what remains to us can be Venezuela. "

By the way, he pointed out: "I try to understand everyone, to listen to us a little bit, you listen to Maduro and you can not believe, I'm afraid, of populism, communism, awkwardness, I'm afraid. I'm afraid of him … "

He also mentioned the presidential elections of October: "I think Macri will win because people are aware of everything that has happened. They must know because there was constant information about everything that they had stolen. The only thing that bothers me is that they did not recover what they stole. "

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Finally, what did he say about his colleague? Marcelo Tinelli? "If he likes politics, this goal suits me perfectly. But he will have to learn a lot. To separate, it takes a bit of size to do politics, but Marcelo is a capable guy and I think he would be honored. I did not talk to him. If there is something I would not enter, it is in politics. That terrifies me. I die. You are getting older in five months. This thing that people hate. It's a dear guy and he will know what he's doing. "

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