Susana Giménez spoke after the robbery at her mansion and threw a sentence that exploded in the networks


After the theft of one of her homes in Uruguay, Susana Giménez asked for clarification and was consulted on the situation in Argentina. "I see the country complicated, the truth is that I do not understand what's going on, there are merchants who profit and have prices go up too much, it's like they're ahead of the curve. Inflation, "he told Radio La Red, who was raised by TN Central.

In another fragment of the interview, he published a sentence that quickly became viral and elicited all kinds of comments about the networks. "I'm afraid of populism, communism, left-handers … I'm afraid, what do you want me to say to you?", He asked in his usual style. Then his name became a trend mentioning that referring to "the left" was referring to Cristina.

Macri support
He then returned to show his support to Mauricio Macri: "I am totally in favor of this government, but when it takes catfish … I understand that people are very bad," he said. Then he added, "I understand that this government has against Congress, a press industry that undermines the heads of many people, but I also believe that many people say they are not making ends meet. there is nothing".

To close his vision, he was encouraged to predict the future. "I hope this will be solved in another way, but we have Venezuela, I think Macri will win because people are aware of everything that happened, they have to know it because there was constant information about everything that they had stolen .. me, the only thing that bothers me, is that they have not made it that. they flew, the recovery would be wonderful. "

Anger after the flight
As for what happened in one of her residences in Uruguay, Susana was upset by the information that was broadcast at the beginning. "With the quilombos that Argentina has to say that they came from Picbado, it's a stupidity that irritates me, if someone wants to have a Picbado in his house." campaign, they started saying that it was one and now they have three.And it's not knowing the price of an original work of Picbado, I could not have it in the countryside or in Buenos Aires is $ 150 million and most importantly, I do not like it, "she said angrily.


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