Susana summoned to the march "Yes, you can" to support Mauricio Macri


Susana Giménez She is one of the celebrities who have always shown her support for Mauricio Macri. Although he sometimes complained of tax increases from his home in Barrio Parque, he said that the president is the best option to "transform Argentina". For that invited his almost 2 million Instagram followers to the march of "If we can", which will take place on Saturday, July 19th, July 9th.

The diva of phones has summoned the public through an image in their stories. On election days, he hopes that the president will be able to cancel the result obtained at PASO, where Alberto Fernández had won by 16 points (he obtained 49.49% of the votes, against 32.93% of Macri).

In March, the driver said that she would not let go of Cambiemos. "I still support them.I thought it was the best for Argentina.Of course, it's much better than what we had, but I do not want people to pay a cost for all that others have done. The re-election of Macri would be beneficial for the country ", shot in the cycle that Ángel De Brito leads CNN Radio

Susana Giménez invited her faithful to the march of
Susana Giménez invited her faithful to walk "Yes, you can". (Photo: Instagram / gimenezsuok)

A few months later, after criticizing Macri for inflation, he reaffirmed his vote of confidence. "The government can give an order and things do not increase further, people can not, I hope it will be solved in another way, otherwise we have Venezuela. think Macri will win, "he said in TN central.

Susana Giménez was brutal when she was consulted at the time for Kirchnerism. He recalled that when Cristina Kirchner was president, the AFIP had made an attempt that had finally won the pilot: "It was scary what they did. Of course it was ridiculous and absurd. It was personal. there are many presidents who of power make vendettas personal. "


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