Suspected of UADE professor by denunciations of sexual harassment – 19/07/2018


A teacher from the Argentine University of Empresa (UADE) was suspended after receiving complaints of badual harbadment from several students. They say that he made comments about his image, questions about their private life, he wrote them at all times, and he kissed them forcibly. With some, he had bad. The statements were made on social networks and the media. There are still no criminal complaints.

The 44-year-old teacher was in charge of the advertising creativity course at UADE. As published by La ​​Nación the University opted to suspend it and initiate an internal investigation . In addition, the teacher is a director of a production company, where he dictates a plan of action in front of the camera and, according to testimony, used this space for intimate with young people who dreamed of being actresses

. his experience on the blog "We do not stay silent anymore". She participated in the "Actor Project" and played in a film directed by the teacher. In the warm-up, mbaded women . "He began, little by little, to invade my life, to send me messages at any moment," he says anonymously

"This film is our treasure, and we are like a sect who keeps the secret ] and protects it against everything and everyone, "he told the actresses. Until she discovered that she had a boyfriend. "He said it was going to be a problem because" their jealousy "(unknowingly) could be a problem for everyone," says the girl. At one point he orchestrated a private rehearsal "and he forcibly kissed me on the terrace of the place where we were rehearsing."

The young woman says that she talked with her colleagues about what had happened and confirmed that all the men were sending them insinuating or even very direct messages, and as he liked it because that he was "cute", he had come to have something with some. "One of them said that he boasted of being a professor in an institution and threatened the students with not approving them s & dquo; They did not do this or that with him, "he adds

On Facebook, they created a profile called León Duarte where they publish the news of the case. "We are spreading a network among teachers, students, alumni and other victims, now we are more numerous and organized," they say. They issued a message addressed to UADE Communication / Advertising students in which they ask that they were abused by anyone in the institution they write to abuseosenuade @ mail "We are looking for other testimonials to raise an official complaint in Human Resources," they call.

"We want UADE to understand the need to put in place a protocol of action against harbadment and / or abuse, they are not protected except the aggressor, who continues to teach as if nothing, "says another post. "You can continue to abuse your students, so that no victim is exposed and take legal action," the message adds. They indicate that there are still no complaints because "the victims have the freedom to choose not to expose themselves to the teacher who manipulated, harbaded and abused them by a teacher. legal system that can interrogate and verify them.

On this account Facebook messages proliferate on girls who, without giving their name, tell their bad experiences with the teacher. " He came into my life and a week ago he became a boyfriend. Through his handling, he moved in. I do not know how, after a week after one of his victims, I could throw him.I've tried to make love, I could break it, "tells one of the strongest stories. "In the institution where he worked, he forced the students, he was known," he continues.

The professor denied La ​​Nación had relations with his students. He said that he never shared his mail, his cell phone or saw a student outside of clbad. He believes that these women who denounce him are immersed in what he defines as "fashion escrach". "I do not deserve it, I approve of the movement of the claim, I understand that society must be more balanced, but the escrach is not fair," he said. "I have been working at the university for 20 years, I have not had a single complaint and I have the highest historical averages of any kind." evaluation, if any one at any time, during those 20 years, did not agree with anything, I could have said it, "said the l & # 39; teacher.

Silvina Thernes, director of the Department of Communication Sciences and Advertising of UADE, says she was not aware of the situation because he was not in charge. There were no complaints on the official channels. "In many years, in investigations, which are anonymous and are part of a very important communication channel between authorities and students, nothing has appeared," he said, explaining that they had contacted former students, professors and executives. He worked with him after the allegations: "For the university, this seems like a very important issue." We have our internal code of conduct which regards these inappropriate behaviors as a reproach and that is why we quickly activate the mechanism of internal investigation. Clarín tried to contact the UADE authorities, but did not receive an answer.

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