Suspended the girl, stuck to the closing of the school and broadcast live | Chronic


A man stuck to the bars of a school in protest after his teenage daughter was sent home to England for using a piercing in the ear. The subject broadcast her event live via Facebook and badured that the girl uses the item in her ear to "Relieves your migraines".

Authorities at a school in the city of Leeds, England, reprimanded a 14-year-old girl who was wearing an ear piercing and, no matter what the explanation was. as a child, they sent her directly to her home.

When the girl arrived home, her father Geoff Smith, 49, could not believe what had happened to her daughter, she became uncontrollable, took a glue and headed straight to the Cockburn John Charles Academy in Belle Isle.

When he reached the door of the establishment, the man, who was working as a builder, covered his hands with a mixture of glue and plaster called Polyfilla and glued his hands to the bars of metal from the fence of the institute. Meanwhile, he asked the witnesses to broadcast their complaint live on Facebook.

Police and firefighters came to pick him up but they did not succeed because they could hurt him. Finally, they took it out of the way and a layer of skin remained attached to the bars. Since the school authorities heard her complaint, they understood the explanation of the man and allowed the girl to go to school with the child. ; Arito.

"Some piercings in the ears stimulate the nerves under the skin and muscle tissue, producing substances for pain relief, such as endorphins," explained an expert.

The man was recorded during his demonstration.

The police worked in the square.

The ring that generated the problem.


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