Sweden demands arrest of Julian Assange for rape


The Swedish prosecutor's office on Monday issued an arrest warrant against Julian Assange, already incarcerated in the UK, so that a court can issue a European arrest warrant.resumption of the violation committed in Stockholm in 2010.

"I ask the court to arrest Assange in absentia on charges of rape," an badistant prosecutor, Eva Marie Persson, said in a statement issued a week after the reopening of the Wikileaks founder's investigation. , arrested April 11 at the Embbady. Ecuadorian in London.

Stopping a person in absentia is a standard mechanism of the Swedish legal system if the suspect is out of the country or can not be found. "If the court decides to arrest him, I will issue a European arrest warrant," added Persson.

The Australian hacker, detained for seven years at the Embbady of Ecuador in London to prevent British authorities from extraditing him to Sweden, was arrested on April 11 after the Ecuadorian authorities withdrew his support.

A London court sentenced Assange on May 1 to a 50 weeks in prison for violating the conditions of their probation.

The Swedish justice investigation is linked to an alleged case of badual abuse occurred in 2010 between Assange and a Swede whom he met at a conference in Stockholm. Assange has always denied this accusation.

The Swedish authorities have suspended the investigation into this case in 2017 after the Swedish prosecutor Marianne Ny had acknowledged that they could not continue the investigation because Assange had been locked up at the embbady of Ecuador and had no access to him.

However, the Swedish prosecutor's office reopened this investigation on May 13 after the arrest of the Wikileaks founder in London. Assange is also the subject of a request for extradition to the United States, where he is the subject of an investigation by conspiracy to commit computer intrusion. An investigation that was only revealed after his shocking detention at the Embbady of Ecuador in London.

Persson said the British authorities would decide which country to extradite Assange in the first place. "The British authorities will decide on their priority, the result of this process is impossible to predict," he said.


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