Sweden reopens Assange investigation for alleged rape | Chronic


The Swedish prosecutor's office has decided Monday to reopen the file of the cyber-activist founder of the portal WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, for an alleged crime of rape that had been closed two years before the investigation could be advanced.

This was reported by the Deputy Attorney General Eva-Marie Persson, which will activate the European arrest warrant, after explaining the change in Assange's personal situation after Ecuador withdrew his asylum and his reminder of the strong suspicions directed against the Australian journalist.

Assange is currently incarcerated in a maximum security prison in the United Kingdom, pending the settlement of an extradition request in the United States. The judge is calling for disclosure of secret documents published on his website, which could cost him a fine of up to five years in prison, although his defense and Amnesty International fear a death sentence.

I also read: Wikileaks had planned the operation of Ecuador against Assange

"Since he left the embbady, ​​the circumstances have changed and I think the conditions are right to pursue the case.""Persson said at a press conference quoted by the EFE news agency.

The prosecutor recalled that the investigation had not been suspended for lack of evidence, but for the impossibility of progress, and pointed out that the Swedish courts had repeatedly concluded that the suspicions to his against "the highest degree of probability ".

Persson also announced that he was going to file an arrest warrant in absentia against the journalist at the Uppsala Courthouse (north of Stockholm) and that he would be sending a warrant to arrest him. European judgment.

"It is not possible to predict the outcome of the process, but I think that a preliminary investigation can be conducted parallel to the case in the UK.""said the judicial officer, who considers necessary re-examination, but was willing to do so by videoconference.

Persson recalled that it was up to the British authorities to determine which petition had priority, whether it was the European arrest warrant or the extradition request sent to the States. -United.

The proceedings were reactivated when the plaintiff's lawyer requested the reopening of the case while Assange had been forcibly detained by British agents last month at the US Embbady. 39; Ecuador.

Assange has been isolated at the Embbady of Ecuador in London since June 2012, until Quito withdraws asylum on the grounds that the Australian had repeatedly violated "international conventions and the coexistence protocol" in this diplomatic mission.

Three of the crimes for which Assange was the subject of an investigation in Sweden were prescribed, and the case of violation will be in August 2020.

A British court sentenced the founder of WikiLeaks two weeks ago to 50 weeks in prison for violating probation conditions in that country.


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