Syria condemns the criminal evacuation of white helmets by Israel | news


The Syrian government has denounced the evacuation of the so-called White Helmets located in southern Syria by the Israeli state and has described it as "unjust". criminal act.

"The operation conducted by Israel and her subjects is criminal, she showed the true character of the so-called white helmets, whose danger already warned by Syria", said the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Members of the humanitarian organization were transferred to Jordan as part of an operation that the Israeli government to protect these people and their families from imminent threats to their lives, said the Prime Minister of this country, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Syria also denounced that the image of this nation "was affected by the destructive role played by the organization of the White Helmets, which participated in the badembly of the alleged chemical attacks of those who hold the government of Bashar al-Assad accountable

A few days ago, President Trump contacted me, as well as Prime Minister Trudeau and others we help evacuate hundreds of White helmets from Syria These are people who have saved lives and whose lives were in danger.

– Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) July 22, 2018

"From now on, it is no longer acceptable to hold meetings or hold discussions within the Organization for the Prohibition Chemical Weapons and in other international organizations to discuss their false accusations on the use of chemical weapons in Syria because these weapons do not exist, "the statement said.

The evacuation of the White Helmets occurred on last Saturday night, they crossed the border between Syria and Israel and arrived Monday in Jordan.

"A few days ago, President Trump contacted me, as did Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau and others, and asked us to help evacuate hundreds of white helmets from Syria, lives were in danger, "he said Netanyahu in his Twitter account.

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"The words of condemnation are not enough to express the indignation felt by all Syrians towards these sordid plots and their unlimited technical support" Israel "and Jordan for the helmets and the groups of "Daesh" and "Al-Nousra" who have worked for the past eight years to divert Syria from its race and destroy its gains, "he said." Syria in the document.

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