Taiwan has warned that China will have the capacity to invade its territory in 2025


chinese troops
chinese troops

Taiwanese Minister of Defense, Chiu Kuo-cheng said on Wednesday that China would be “able to stage a full-scale invasion” of the island by 2025., and pointed out that relations between Taipei and Beijing are going through “their worst moment in 40 years”.

According to Chiu, the Taiwanese news agency collects CNA, Beijing already has “the capacity to attack the island, but at a high cost”, which would be lower by 2025, the year in which the minister predicts that China can “organize a large-scale invasion”.

“Taiwan will not make him attack. However, we are at the worst moment in cross-strait relations since I started in the army 40 years ago ”, Chiu said in reference to the latest Chinese aircraft exits – nearly 150 in the past few days – into the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ).

Chiu stressed that Taiwan needs to be “prepared” and noted that 64% of this year’s defense budget will be allocated to anti-ship systems and the development of Hsiung Feng III supersonic missiles to counter the Type 075 amphibious assault ships of China.

Chiu’s statements come after his portfolio denounced that nearly 150 Chinese fighter jets have entered Taiwan’s ADIZ in recent days, which is not defined or regulated by any international treaty and is not equivalent to its space. air, but encompasses a larger area that includes areas of mainland China.

For its part, The United States urged China to end this practice, which it called “provocative” and “destabilizing”, to which Beijing responded that Washington must “stop supporting the forces that are in favor of ‘Taiwan independence’ and, instead, take steps to maintain peace and stability.”

Chinese planes flew over Chinese airspace
Chinese planes flew over Chinese airspace

The Taiwanese President, Tsai Ing-wen, said Tuesday in the American publication Foreign Affairs that “Taiwan will do whatever is necessary to defend its democracy if it is threatened”.

“Failure to defend Taiwan would not only be catastrophic for the Taiwanese, but would also undo the security architecture that has enabled peace and extraordinary economic development in the region for seven decades,” he claimed.

Taiwan has been considered a sovereign territory with its own government and political system under the name of the Republic of China since the end of the civil war between nationalists and communists in 1949, but Beijing maintains that it is a province rebel and insists that she return to what is called the common homeland.

The island is also one of the main reasons for conflict between China and the United States, mainly because Washington is Taiwan’s main arms supplier and would be its biggest military ally in the event of a possible war with it. China.

(With information from EFE)


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