Take a nap! People who have this habit suffer less from heart attacks


Small breaks during the day, whatever their duration, halve the chances of having a heart or brain infarction, have discovered experts who published the results of their studies in the magazine Heart

They studied the data from 3,462 people living in Lausanne, Switzerland, aged 35 to 75 at the beginning of the study, average of five years.

58% did not take a nap, about one in five (19%) they took one or two per week and about one in 10 (12%) did so three to five times. About 11% they rested six to seven times per week.

During the five-year follow-up of scientists with the people studied, there have been 155 cardiovascular events, whether it's heart attacks or strokes.

Experts have observed that take a nap once or twice every seven days this could be badociated with a 48% reduction in the risk of experiencing one of these attacks, even considering other factors.

Although the observations were not conclusive, the researchers suggested to cardiologists and neurologists that include a nap as one of the usual recommendations What do your patients understand:

– Bring a healthy lifestyle It helps maintain the health of the heart and blood vessels.

– make 150 minutes of physical exercise a week spread over 3 days.

– The Mediterranean food It is considered the healthiest diet for the heart and brain.

– Check regularly blood pressure (hypertension is risky for the heart and brain) and keep cholesterol levels at the right levels.

– carry out periodic reviews with the doctor


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