Take Joe Biden’s nuclear case! | Opinion


In an interview this morning on “Good Morning America” ​​on ABC President Joe Biden has said Vladimir Putin “is a murderer” and that he “will pay the price for his efforts to undermine the 2020 presidential election.He also said he was “a man without a heart”. When his interviewer asked him “what would be the price that Putin would pay?” Biden’s response was, “You’ll see him very soon.” Needless to say, the intimidating and quarrelsome tone the president displayed in his speech.

But Biden’s current explosion has a precedent. Already before, and with time and leisurely, he had to write (with the collaboration of his advisers) an article requested by Foreign Affairs Magazine on what he planned to do if he arrived at the White House, Biden delivered a series of insults that were bitter with most elementary principles of international diplomacy. In the March / April 2020 edition, the Democratic candidate’s response was published, titled ‘Why America Must Lead Again’. The central thesis (predictable and repeated) is that the world needs a leader and that the United States must take over that role, granted by none other than God., and abandoned by Trump who tried to make the United States “great again” by abdicating its responsibility for maintaining international order and snubbing its allies and friends. Faced with this unforgivable defection Biden proposes that Washington again place itself at the “head” of the international negotiating table and thus restore the lost hegemony. His advisers did not tell him that this “head” no longer exists, and that today the international system has an irreversibly polycentric character. Instead of the headboard, there is a triangular table where the United States, China and Russia sit in a difficult coexistence.

The language used in parts of his article is reminiscent of some of Trump’s bravado and insolence. This confirms that the Republican style of confrontation and violence was only slightly more outspoken than that of his opponents and that basically Republicans and Democrats are the same. In the Foreign Affairs note, Biden describes the government of Vladimir Putin as an “authoritarian kleptocracy”; In the TV interview, a year later and already as president instead of moderating his language, he makes him even more gangster. He not only insulted Putin and, by extension, the Russian Federation; Xi Jiping said he was “a thug” who presided over a country that stole the intellectual property rights and assets of big corporations and American savers.. Conclusion: Russia and China are enemies of the United States and should be treated as such.

For this reason, what he might have said “hot” in a live ABC interview had already been written a year earlier. Except he is now President of the United States, the country with the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet that, from what we can see, is in the hands of a madman who can say and write things like those already mentioned. The response to Russia’s so-called interventionism is something the whole world will see very soon. Who can be? New sanctions against Russia, against its officials, perhaps even against President Putin himself ?; Or do what Washington has done with so many presidents and political leaders around the world: assassinate him? Biden says he knows Putin very well and spoke to him in January this year. On that occasion he said: “I know you and you know me. If I establish that this (interference in the US electoral process) has happened, prepare yourself. “

Biden’s illusion is extremely dangerous and reflects the prevailing mood in the team of secretaries and advisers to his government, and that of Trump, and that of Obama and that of the predecessors. These are clear expressions of the state ideology of the empire, now launched with renewed bellicosity against Russia and China. The fake news promoted by several of the sixteen intelligence agencies of the United States – mainly the CIA and the National Security Agency, but not only them – sinks into the ridiculous when they assure that apart from Russia, Iran, Cuba , Venezuela and Hezbollah would have interfered in the presidential elections of 2020! A useful lie, however, because the gigantic military-industrial-financial complex – the “deep state” that actually rules this country – needs wars or military threats to keep its businesses thriving, even if it pushes the world on the brink. a disaster.

This has happened many times in the past, and it is happening again now. The objective: to warm the international environment to restore the lost hegemony of the United States, reversal not possible given the current distribution of economic, technological, political and military power on a global scale. This is why Noam Chomsky warned that these attempts at restoration could lead to a nuclear disaster, possibly due to a miscalculation. In this case, it will already be too late to reveal the truth about what happened in the 2020 elections.


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