Taking a ball from a small child is a bad look. But it seems that social media has been wrong.


The world of social media, furious that an adult fan caught a baseball obviously thrown at a small boy from the Wrigley Field crowd at Sunday's Cubs-Cardinals match, was cheated?

Chuck Mycoff of St. Charles says "The whole world calls this world's most naughty guy to be a bullet thief," said Mycoff, who says he's the onlooker (or guardian) with arms crossed and blue shirt. next to the fan in question who grabbed the ball and handed it to the woman next to him in the overwhelming video that went viral. "In fact, he had balls for three children." 19659002 "Television and social media read badly and make up a story … it's crazy … this guy helped this kid to have a balloon earlier and he made other kids' balls." 19659003] People who saw the video saw a man take a ball The coach of the first Cubs Will Venable clearly launched to the child in the too big cap "

The conviction of the boy The adult was quick, strong and unwavering, even though neither he nor the child was publicly identified.

Even though online outrage snowballed during the game, the Cubs sought a happy ending for the incident in order to restore friendliness to the friendly Confines.He gave the young player a ball signed by All-Star Javier Baez and posted a photo of him with two baseballs on his Twitter feed

What the tweet did not explain is where the second bullet came from e

the Cubs gave him two. Mycoff and others sitting nearby have tried to set the record straight on Twitter, but they have not made much progress in countering the popular narrative.

"Here's what it was," Mycoff said by phone Monday. "In the first run, someone stuck a ball on the screen over the Cardinals' shelter, he jumped, I tried to catch him." , he jumps, he hits his hand and bounces where the tarpaulin and the wall are, just in front of these people, where the kid is, so he calls the father: "Hey, hey, catch the ball really fast for your boy! "So the guy catches him and gets the ball for the boy."

Three innings later came the incident with the Venable throw in the stands that everyone saw

"He fell under the siege." The guy picked it up and the 12 seconds of video look like he gave it to his wife and ignored the kid "What he does not show, is that the mother had already said," He already has a ball. If we have more, we will give them to someone else. And the guy went back and handed it to his wife, who in turn handed a child next to her that she did not know, they did not tell her about it. have not kept.

Three innings later, according to Mycoff, the South Carolina out-towner received another ball and gave it to another youngster.

"Then he gave two balls to kids next to them that they did not know, helped the kid in front of us to get a ball "He did the right thing, he gave the kids baseballs."

The inverted counterpoint to the fan did not gain much traction until David Kaplan NBC Sports Chicago and WMVP-AM 1000 tweeted late Sunday night – seven o'clock after the incident – that the sources of the Cubs told him that the large-scale video clip and the resulting media reports did not tell the whole story

. The man who caught the ball on the widely seen video had actually already helped the little boy to take a ball earlier, "Kap lan said on Twitter." The young man has a used play ball and a Javy Baez balloon. All is well. Guy is A-OK so let people go. "

Kaplan and Eddie Olczyk had Mycoff on their ESPN 1000 show on Monday, but it was difficult to reverse the first impressions that have already cut off much of the national consciousness." 19659002] "The original video had Looks terrible, "said Kaplan at the Tribune." The amazing thing is that we have reported all this now and there is still, I mean, tweet after tweet (say) "This guy gave it away that a shot at the young man's guilt. "He gave the ball to the youngster before the video even taken. People refuse to admit it. "

Mycoff, a ticket broker who offers business trips and hospitality for major events across the country, said that he concluded the Cubs match Sunday with his wife because his tickets were unsold.The man and the woman received their tickets from another online source and it was just a chance that he was sitting next to #################################################################################

The same is true of what happened, if not what it looked like, to take what we see at first sight and to make a judgment without necessarily knowing what it was like. that happened before, during, or after.

"Well, I get a lesson on what's going on in social media," Mr. Mycoff said. "The only reason I got involved is because the story was so wrong. "

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