Taking stock of September 11: the day the world changed completely


The September 11 attacks they drew a line of demarcation between a time of withdrawal and another with radically different parameters and logics because the so-called “war against terrorism“It changed the geopolitical scenario and imposed new ideas of ‘security’, with costs in human rights and civil liberties, configuring a scenario in which privacy was the big loser.

While the mass surveillance was already a topic of growing debate years earlier – in October 1999, the British public broadcaster BBC reported on the secret international spy network Echelon – a month after the 11-S The US Congress enacted the Patriot Act, which authorized the electronic surveillance of warrantless “terrorism” suspects, as well as the investigation of their professional and personal relationships up to the sixth degree of contact.

This law, approved by the United States Congress, created a favorable scenario for the establishment of a permanent state of exception, which gradually established practices limiting constitutional rights and guarantees across the world, and imposed as “natural” scenarios of illegality and “exception”.


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