Taliban take control of Mazar-i-Sharif as panic grows in Kabul


Taliban forces patrol the streets of the Afghan city of Herat.  REUTERS / Stringer DOES NOT RESALE.  NO FILE
Taliban forces patrol the streets of the Afghan city of Herat. REUTERS / Stringer DOES NOT RESALE. NO FILE

The Taliban seized this Saturday of Mazar-i-Sharif, a large city in northern Afghanistan, “without really meeting any resistance” As it passed, the inhabitants informed the AFP.

“Is it so parading with their vehicles and motorcycles, shooting in the air to celebrate”, said Atiqullah Ghayor, a resident of the city, who explained that the Afghan forces had withdrawn from the city.

Meanwhile, from the capital, the President of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, pleaded to face the great Taliban offensive, which in just over a week took control of 20 of the 34 Afghan provincial capitals, the biggest breakthrough in two decades of war that triggered alerts on the possible fall of Kabul.

In a televised speech, Ghani assured that the “highest priority” of the Afghan government lies in the mobilization of the security forces to stop the capture of more regional capital in the country.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Acting Defense Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi visit military forces in Kabul, Afghanistan.  August 14, 2021. Presidential Palace of Afghanistan / delivery via Reuters.  THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY.
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Acting Defense Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi visit military forces in Kabul, Afghanistan. August 14, 2021. Presidential Palace of Afghanistan / delivery via Reuters. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY.

“In the current situation, the remobilization of the security forces is our top priority and the necessary measures are being taken to this end ”, Ghani pointed out.

This announcement by the president comes before a grim prospects, after large numbers of Afghan troops surrendered or fled territories conquered by the Taliban, in some cases, like that of Mazar-i-Charif, without putting up any resistance.

Ghani added that understands the concern of Afghan citizens on his “future and present” in the country, adding that attempts to further prevent “instability, violence and displacement of people” Through “wide consultations” he has started these days with “political leaders and international partners” and whose progress he will soon report.

He also promised that will not allow this “imposed war to cause more innocent deaths, the destruction of the country’s infrastructure and the loss of achievements achieved over the past twenty years ”.

Taliban soldiers on the streets of Herat, Afghanistan.  REUTERS / Stringer DOES NOT RESALE.  NO FILE
Taliban soldiers on the streets of Herat, Afghanistan. REUTERS / Stringer DOES NOT RESALE. NO FILE

Ghani’s remarks come after the president of the High Council for National Reconciliation of Afghanistan this week, Abdullah Abdullah, met in Doha with international delegations in search of a dialogue solution to the conflict.

During these meetings, the Afghan government delegation came supposedly proposing to share the power of the country with the Talibans, a proposal they denied receiving. For Abdullah, the insurgents’ strategy is clear: “They don’t want peace and they intend to take Kabul. “

Eyes on Kabul

Growing fears that the Afghan capital might suddenly fall into the hands of the Taliban has prompted several countries to mobilize quickly to evacuate their national personnel to Kabul, as well as Afghan citizens who have worked closely with them over the past two decades of conflict.

Families displaced inside Afghanistan by the advancing Taliban (Photo by Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
Families displaced inside Afghanistan by the advancing Taliban (Photo by Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)

Over the weekend, many of the 3,000 US servicemen sent by the Pentagon to help with the evacuation are expected to arrive in Kabul. most of your country’s embassy staff and other Afghan citizens.

In addition to the United States, The UK, Germany or Spain, among others, have announced that they will take similar steps in the next given the current situation, the Taliban is increasingly close to Kabul.

(With information from AFP and EFE)


Afghanistan: why the overwhelming Taliban advance took place and what are the global consequences
The Afghan president has started consultations to guarantee “peace and stability” after the Taliban advance and called for the reorganization of the army.

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