Tandil: they threw urine and feces to the police in the middle of a demonstration – 11/26/2018


In Tandil, the group of October 1st – led by Griselda Altamirano and Jorge Lezica – organized protests for projects and a generation of sources of work, addressed to the local ANSES and the Secretary of Labor, as a sign of "Genuine work, decent wages and termination of dismissals". The protests took place on Monday in an unusual scene where protesters launched them urine and excrement to the police.

How did all this conflict start?

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"We are looking to have a serious work table, where they tell us that they will deploy transitional plans to mitigate the urgency, but that they will also work in the generation of work sources or in a productive system useful in the region. We want the national state to act on it. Today, in Tandil, we have a clear example of what is happening with Metalúrgica and we think that it is necessary to take charge of the crisis situation. that we live in the city and in the region in general, "said Altamirano at the end of October as part of a section of Route 226.

A month later, on 20/11, the group started a day of blockade at the entrance door of the Secretary of Labor and Employment of the Nation and at the Regional Headquarters of ANSES.

In this context, as indicated The eco of Tandil, a large group of members of the federal police arrived in the building from 9 to 800 July, released the premises and delayed two men and nine women.

"The eleven people were transferred to the federal police headquarters in Maipú at 600 hours and the place was fenced. A few minutes later, a large group of protesters from the aforementioned group met on the spot. They cut the street in Maipú and Fort Independencia and began to protest", reported Tandil's media.

It was in this context, on Monday, that the protesters – claiming the release of their companions – threw buckets of excrement and urine to police personnel. The video was broadcast by Tandil News.

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