Taxi drivers against Uber: mobilized for Wednesday


The referees of the pilots and the licensees announced the protest which will end before the municipal council.

Taxi drivers in the Rosario area met Monday in a state of alarm for some councilors to discuss the arrival of Uber application to the city and called a mobilization to resume the rejection of the initiative.

The meeting was held at the headquarters of the Union of Taxi Workers, where he is titled, Horacio Boix, confirmed that "we will raise the resistance to Rosario". For the moment on Wednesday, a mobilization of drivers at the city council was organized.

"We will end up merging, because far from growing demand, we will compete with more players for the same trips," Boix said. in touch with Channel 3. The general secretary of the union, also said that there is "a political intentionality behind the arrival of Uber."

Mario Cesca, head of the Association of Independent Taxicabs, said: "we are asking for meetings with all the leaders of the block of the provincial legislature," since they are seeking a clear position to "ban Uber in all Santa Fe. "

" We can propose that Uber not be established in Rosario, although the landing occurs in a nearby town, we run the risk that the cars come here, "said Cesca.

The controversy around Uber in Rosario was relaunched a week ago when advisor Radic María Eugenia Schmuck went to ask that the debate be activated to badess a possible landing, a situation that was rejected by the Peronist block in the Palacio Vasallo and by the municipal executive. Mayor Mónica Fein herself spoke about improving the control of taxis instead of opening the door to the arrival of the application.

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