Teacher Cried in Video Over Her Students’ Continued Disinterest | the Chronicle


A teacher who lives in Puerto Rico has worried hundreds of users after posting a video on Facebook in which she is disappointed with the education of the youngest..

The woman decided to register to make a statement in which she burst into tears as she said the students were showing complete disinterest in learning He assured that it has nothing to do with distance learning due to the pandemic, but with the reluctance and lack of engagement of students..

“I just finished teaching today and came across the harsh reality that I have young people who aren’t afraid to learn, who aren’t afraid to be anything. I have students who have never attended class since August. And I’m already fed up, I already feel overwhelmed and I don’t know what else to do “, said at the start of the video the woman, identified as Francis Sanchez.

“This generation is not interested in learning, period. I have been in the education system for 18 years and gradually we see the decline of the social question, but I have never seen discouragement, disinterest, lack of commitment at levels as high as now “, she added, bursting into tears.

Continued: “I’m afraid of becoming what I hated so much as a student. A teacher who doesn’t care about the students’ learning, who doesn’t care whether they are doing it or not.”

The video has gone viral on social media, where hundreds of users have expressed concerns about statements by women and professionals working in the education sector who have even confirmed that they have detected this type of problem in their case as well. In turn, they asked for the commitment of parents as well as the lack of support from the Ministry of Education.

Teacher’s discharge on Facebook


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