Teacher Suggests Eating to Save the Planet | Chronic


Magnus Soderlund, professor at the Stockholm School of Economics, suggested that it might be necessary to resort to cannibalism to save our planet from climate change. His words were broadcast on a local television show, devoted to a "food of the future".

Soderlund said he could hold seminars on the need to consume human meat to combat global warming. According to the teacher, eating the human body instead of meat and vegetables could be the solution to the environmental problem because it would replace the meat and agriculture industry, which according to several environmentalists, are the ones that contribute the most to global warming.

In the same vein, he argued that one of the main obstacles to his proposal would be the cultural taboos about the human body, as many would consider that the consumption of human flesh is a contamination of the deceased.

– Just när det gäller människokött så finns det enormt många olika tabun.
– Folk and allmänhet är lite lätt konservativa när det gäller at äta saker som of inte är vana vid.

Dumma dumma konservativa, bakåtsträvande människor som vägrar äta upp varadra för att rädda klimatet !! 1 !! pic.twitter.com/7o79ymMN6E

– Mattias Albinsson (@mattiasreporter)
September 4, 2019

This Swedish professor and researcher has also worked in behavioral science and acknowledged that modern society "slightly conservative" when it comes to eating unusual things like human corpses. The intervention, aired last week, was illustrated by a graph depicting forks stuck in several hands.


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