Teacher to expel students who use inclusive language: “There are only two genders” | the Chronicle


Students from the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico exposed via various social networks a university professor who criticized inclusive language. In a short video posted last week, the students showed the teacher that anyone who uses terms like “partner” would not be able to attend their class.

He also commented that there are only two genera, recalling that in the case of animals there is only the male and the female.

You are not going to start like in the video that is circulating that he is a companionSomeone tell me that and I get him out of here, if someone starts with their pull-ups, get out of here. There are two genera here, you must understand that there are two genera, male and female, there is a male and a female in animals, there is neither mache nor female, please spare me the pain of removing them from here “, he expressed in the video.

The Autonomous University of the State of Mexico issued a brief statement, in which it stressed that the values ​​and principles of integrity and inclusion are priority axes of the university administration 2021-2025, so that ‘she does not share expressions that violate the university. community or society in general.

He also indicated, that in respect of the principle of academic freedom and free thought, “calls on all university students to be guided on the basis of the values ​​that contribute to the professional and human development of society as a whole, mainly of the youth“.

“I am not your partner, I am your partner”: thus a non-binary person burst into tears and asked to be mentioned in inclusive language

In a different episode, but with the same country as the protagonist, a few days ago, an event with some similarities was recorded since a person who is a member of the LGBTQ + community and a digital art career student at Tecnológico de Monterrey , in Mexico, He demanded in a virtual classroom that inclusive language pronouns be respected and his request went viral on networks.

“I am not your partner, I am your partner”Andra Escamilla protested crying, whose claim has gone viral through a video that has accumulated thousands of views on social networks.

Escamilla explained that he identifies as a trigene, that is, non-binary person, who perceives himself in different genres. For this reason, he demanded that his person be designated by the inclusive pronoun “she” or “he”.

For his part, the colleague who treated him with the feminine pronoun, identified as Max Carvajal, issued a public apology in the virtual classroom.. “Sorry, excuse me mate … there was a hurricane recently here in Xalapa, there were people affected”, said the student.

Despite the apologies, the non-binary person accused his teachers of being homophobic, after the subject of the damage caused by Hurricane Grace, which affected thousands of people in Puebla and Veracruz, returned to class in Mexico.


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