Teacher Told in Class “There are only two genders” and the university decided to expel him


Jesús Luis Barrón López, professor of biology at an institute in Madrid, claims to have been sanctioned at the beginning of July for six months with partial deprivation of salary “To teach that there are only two sexes”. The teacher, with the support of Christian Lawyers, filed a criminal complaint both against the director of the IES Complutense Institute in Alcalá de Henares, on the outskirts of Madrid, and against the Inspector of Education of the Community of Madrid who opened a case for him.

In an interview with the site OK Journal, Barrón claimed he was separated after a course on sexuality he gave to first-year Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) students “to be an unpleasant person for minors ”.

According to the teacher, in this class they talked about “male and female chromosomes and transsexuality”. On this last point, Barrón López said that it is “a non-genetic transformation, but organic or hormonal”, and that these people “continue to be” of the gender determined by their genes. Regarding sexual orientations, another topic they discussed, she said, “They are very diverse, but I think these are topics that I also don’t have to talk about in biology classes. “

Barrón said he was summoned shortly after by the principal who told him he had received complaints from several relatives. The professor maintained that he was ready to apologize if he had offended someone, but in no way could he deny the scientific evidence. “It’s like I’m being judged for saying the Earth is round,” he said.

“I do not know of what facts I am accused because I did not have a statement of charges, nor access to the complaint, nor do not know who signs it”, he lamented.

Jesús Luis Barrón López with lawyer Polonia Castellanos, from the Association of Christian Lawyers. (Photo: courtesy of the Christian Lawyers Association).

Barrón, who has a 25-year career, arrived at the institute in 2020 and says her problems started when she challenged “gender ideology” workshops that she saw as “indoctrination. “and even” corruption of minors “.

“They used obscene drawings, practices and videos which They border on pornographic and the 12-year-olds felt uncomfortable in class, ”he said. He also argued that the director, Ilenia Megías Chico, “is strongly influenced by feminist and gender ideologies“And that he wanted” his head “for a long time.

“They want to silence me and thousands of teachers of biology and other subjects that we do not have the single, imposing and totalitarian line of thought of the ideologies of the 21st century,” he said.

From Christian Lawyers, they started a signature petition to fire the director of IES Complutense and the region’s education inspector who “intimidated and discriminated against” for telling “scientific truths” and claimed that “They are responding to the ideological steamroller of the collective LGTBI.”

The director’s version

Before the news went viral, director Megías Chico denied part of the facts in a press release since it considers that the version circulating “Seriously dirty the image of the center” and yours.

First, he underlined that “the directors of public centers we cannot fire any teacherRather, this decision rests with the Director General of Human Resources.

She also clarified that the origin of the case can be found in the complaints that she herself received from several families of students about “the the teaching practice of the teacher in question“And that these” have nothing to do with the claim that there are only two sexes. “”If so, I should remove all biology teachers “, he claimed.

“Homophobic, racist and sexist” comments

According to OK Journal, the file indicates that Barrón was suspended for “comments made in class, about different sexual orientations, homophobic, racist and macho character, showing contempt for groups of different natures ”. And he adds that he applied “teaching criteria not in accordance with what is indicated in the didactic program”

The Minister of Education of the Community of Madrid, Enrique Ossorio, said that a file had been opened because there was “Multiple complaints” families who “did not agree with the marks given in this class and considered that the lessons did not conform to the biology program of the 1st of the ESO”.

They lifted the sanction

According to the site Hispanity, the conservatory sanction against Barrón was lifted in mid-July. Poland Castellanos, president of Abogados Cristianos, said he was “satisfied” but will continue the legal actions.

“This type of retaliation for ideological reasons cannot be tolerated,” he said. “The director and the inspector must be condemned because what happened to Jesus could have happened to anyone. They want to impose their ideology on our children, ”he said.


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