Teacher who had sex with a younger student: "I still want to fuck …" | Chronic


In early 2018, the Las Brisas Academy, located in Arizona, found itself mingled with a scandal following the statement of a student who confessed to having bad with a student. professor. Brittany Zamora She was 28 years old and the young man was only 13 years old. On Tuesday, the woman pleaded guilty to crimes of badual abuse of children, badual behavior and public badual indecency with a minor during the trial that followed in this case.

The professor after his arrest, in his cell.

One of the reasons that the former teacher alleged the crimes she was facing was that the student's parents read messages reproaching the teacher. Brittany was arrested in March 2018 and many of her students were interviewed. One of them said that the teacher and her clbadmate had had bad while he was watching them.

Letters between the teenager and the teacher.

Between the youngest and Zamora, there was also an exchange of intimate photographs. The relationship has evolved so much that both have said "I love you". "She said that she wanted to have oral bad and that my member was very tall, among other things like that"said the student.

The young man did not reveal his face to the US media.

In any of the conversations that transcend, you can read. "What are you doing?"she writes, starting the conversation. "I think of you badi"he replies. "Oh darling, I would like you to be here with me", she answers next to several icons of hearts. "I love you, darling, when can we bad … again?" he asks.

"I love you too, heaven, whenever you want, you know I'm here, every day you look badier for me."she said. "I want to bad you baby, these times were not enough", the student responded. "I'm not a baby either, I love you every day with no time limit", shut up.

The chat between the teacher and the student.


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