Teachers debate if they elevate 72-hour unemployment by the Vidal order


Source: LA NACION – Credit: Santiago Hafford

LA PLATA.- The decision to accept or not
the compulsory conciliation dictated by the Buenos Aires Ministry of Labor yesterday generated an internal debate in the teachers' unions that were submerged in deliberations until long hours of the night. However, until the end of this edition, none of the guilds that make up the Buenos Aires Teacher Training Unit (FUDB) had suspended
the 72-hour strike announced for Monday.

The measure took the confrontation between the government of

Maria Eugenia Vidal
and teacher unions which, in seven months, have failed to achieve

a wage agreement

Last night, professors debated three questions to see whether or not they complied with conciliation: first, if the measure dictated by the

Ministry of Labor
is legal or not, a sector arguing that the labor portfolio can not be judge and party to the same dispute. They also discussed the spirit of conciliation, that it is the intention to reach an agreement or a resource to weaken the measure of force. And finally, what would be the legal and economic sanctions if they maintained unemployment.

"Let's be clear: today, there is no definition on the subject, we discuss, and there will be a resolution tomorrow around 14 hours. see if the spirit of conciliation is to stop unemployment or create a new space for dialogue to raise the educational problems that we have during these months, "he said at LA NACION.

Roberto Baradel
holder of the Suteba in front of a version that circulated last night on the rise of unemployment of 72 hours.

In a low voice, some teachers argued that it would be better to comply with the measure of the Ministry of Labor. But from another area slipped that would reflect in politics a triumph of Vidal in the conflict.

The truth is that the situation will be defined when the FUDB, which integrates the unions Suteba, FEB. Udocba, AMET and Sadop, define today what will be the position taken together. "The definition will be communicated tomorrow after the meeting of the secretaries general of the various unions, there it will be defined whether there is a strike or not," said the head of Udocba, Miguel Díaz, in LA NACION [19659008] Governor Vidal seeks to disable the measure of force to ensure that next Monday they can return to school 4.5 million students who finished yesterday their winter holidays. Therefore, in a near-failure move, he asked the Ministry of Labor to dictate binding conciliation to bring the parties back to the beginning of the conflict and to be able to dialogue at that time.

The holder of the work portfolio, Marcelo Villegas, He signed the notifications which were distributed at noon in the places

of each guild
. It was then that internal debates began in every union that called its teams of legal advisers to badyze the alternatives.

"Instead of thinking about the well-being of teachers, they accuse us and badure society that we have political demands. They do not see the situation in which we are teachers: everything increases, light, food, transport, we will take the time to badyze the conciliation and then we will decide what will happen, "said the head of the Federation of Educators. In the conciliation, "the unions are invited to restart the school cycle Monday because they consider the school as an inalienable right," they said. official sources

The day before yesterday, teachers' unions in Buenos Aires defined a 72-hour strike.

A close badociate of Vidal said that "the provincial government has made eight These funds have always exceeded the level of inflation, while strengthening investments in school infrastructure.This situation is due to the refusal of unions to accept and because the state has a supreme interest in ensuring the education of children and their permanence in the school. "Compulsory conciliation requires that the Vidal government and the guilds They support the negotiation until the date preceding the outbreak of this conflict and order the suspension of trade unions' measures of force and warn that, if they do not do so, there could be sanctions and even the suppression legal status.

Yesterday, a minority union, which is outside the FUDB, decided to comply with the mandatory conciliation, which is the sectional province of Buenos Aires, Unión Docentes Argentinos. "For reasons of convenience, merit and opportunity, and to share the principle of social peace and permanent dialogue that should prevail in these conflicts, of the UDA acatam we reconcile, and let suspend the strike (48 hours) decreed while the conciliation period lasts ", said Sergio Romero, head of the UDA.

In turn, UTE and Ctera called a 48-hour strike in the city of Buenos Aires.

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