Telam workers demand parliamentary control of the agency


Workers confirmed yesterday that they presented last Friday, with the approval of 14 legislators, a bill to transform Telam into a publicly controlled parliamentary press company. In addition, they announced today that they would be questioning Minister Hernán Lombardi at the plenary session of the Labor and Freedom of Expression and Communication Committees, and that next Thursday they will carry out a grand national walk from the Obelisk to the Kirchner Cultural Center (CCK), accompanied by all the country's press unions

Workers recorded the Telam conflict as part of a "weakening of the Public media ecosystem in Argentina "and have denounced that the government" wants more and more weaker media, more guys and less plural to impose their vision of reality.Our process of discipline is gigantic.We are fired to discipline this writing, to illustrate.The employer gives us an alternative: obedience or dismissal, obedience or unemployment.They want us to be submissive journalists, we don? have no rebellion, they want journalists who do not ask, "warns Mariano Suárez, delegate Sipreba


Journalists denounce the gradual disappearance of the state agency. correspondents from Formosa, Chaco, Catamarca and Chubut. "The dismantling of this public media, which guarantees the plurality of voices and the federal coverage of the information on the country, is concretized by the emptying of the area which administratively controls the management of the official advertising scheme, the closure of most of the correspondents. Inside the country and the scrapping of parts or all of the journalistic sections of the agency ", specify the workers in conflict.

They also warned that the government's decision to close the agency had two objectives: on the one hand, "Consolidate the strategic alliance with the most concentrated sector of the communications industry", for which we must "reduce the media public minimum expression "and, on the other hand," consolidate the total destruction of the national state. "Lombardi's excuse to justify the dismissals of workers over 20 years had been the lack of budget and, but the journalists also unmasked this argument. "What they save is only 250 million pesos, or 4 hours of Lebac interest." "Nothing is spared by leaving the country without information and, in the world, without knowing." what is happening in the country, "said Daniel Segal, delegate of Sitrapren

During the conference, countless solidarity messages from agencies and media were heard from outsiders with those concerned, who learned their layoffs by finding their compensation in their respective accounts or by other means, in which the Minister of the sector celebrated the measure.

Among the leaders who expressed their solidarity with the affected people, there was Nora Cortiñas, who warned that in the official agency "there are more, they are all workers who We are ashamed of what is happening with Telam, with the hospitals, with Senasa and with Inti because the government does not know how to value human value, "said the member. Mothers of the line Fundadora Plaza de Mayo

. to reject is perverse, hypocritical and we no longer imagine so much. The mothers, who live in the civic, military, ecclesiastical and economic dictatorship, are ashamed that after so much struggle we reach this situation. We call for the reinstatement of all and we demand that the problem of work be resolved throughout the country, "he concluded before loud applause was heard.

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