Telegram registered over 70 million new users after WhatsApp crash


Telegram was one of the most used apps during the fall of Facebook.  (Photo: Internet)
Telegram was one of the most used apps during the fall of Facebook. (Photo: Internet)

On October 4, there were times of great uncertainty between 3:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. (UTC) after WhatsApp, Instagram, and other applications of Facebook Inc. as well as their official blogs, had widespread failures in services. In reality, that all the servers of this company collapsed to register a total fall of the web.

For seven hours, most countries of the world have recorded the absence of these platforms and the cybernetic “chaos” derived from these failures, but only for fans of said social networks.

However, in the midst of any crisis, there are losers or winners, and in this case, one of the companies that managed to take advantage of the situation was Telegram. The messaging app which is considered one of WhatsApp’s strongest skills has been positioned as one of the options hundreds of people turned to after the Facebook failure; in fact, there were over 70 million users.

This was ensured by its founder, Pável Dúrov, who, via his Telegram channel, sent a message referring to what happened during what was considered the worst downfall of Facebook in its history.

“Telegram’s daily growth rate has exceeded the norm by an order of magnitude, and we receive over 70 million refugees from other platforms in one day“said Durov.

On the other hand, the businessman also said he was proud of the way his team managed the reception of millions of people in the midst of a cyber exodus, ensuring that his candidacy “It continued to function smoothly for the vast majority of our users. “

“That said, some users in the Americas may have experienced slower speed than usual as millions of users from those continents rushed to sign up for Telegram at the same time,” added the founder of Telegram, although these outages did not destroy the platform’s network and did not last more than a few minutes.

Finally, Dúrov did not hesitate to launch a few taunts at his competitors while greeting Internet users who came to his application in the last 24 hours:

“For new users, I would like to say this: Welcome to Telegram, the largest independent messaging platform. We won’t let you down when others do. “

(Photo: Capture)
(Photo: Capture)

According to an official statement released by Facebook, the worldwide drop in its services is due to a failure in “the system that manages the capacity of our global backbone”.

“Durante uno de estos trabajos de mantenimiento de rutina, se emitió a command with the intention of evaluating the disponibilidad de la capacidad de la red troncal global, that accidentally cortó todas las conexiones en nuestra red troncal, desconectando efectivamente los centros de datos de Facebook at the World level. Our systems are designed to audit commands like these to avoid such errors, but a bug in this auditing tool did not properly stop the command.Added Santosh Janardhan, vice president of infrastructure at Facebook.

In short, an error in a maintenance order was the one that caused the blackout in the entire network of Facebook servers, generating a total disconnection between the company’s data centers and the Internet network in the world.

Finally, Janardhan said that “it all happened very quickly” and that while it was very difficult to restore Facebook networks to a normal point, every failure like this is an opportunity to learn and improve, and there is a lot to learn. After every problem, big or small, we go through a thorough review process to understand how we can make our systems more resilient. This process is already underway ”.


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