Ten American diplomats leave Moscow | Strong …


Russia announced it would expel 10 US diplomats in addition to other measures in response to the sanctions announced yesterday by the United States. “The Russian President approved these measures in response to the absolutely unfriendly and gratuitous acts announced by Washington against Russia, our citizens, individuals and corporations, and our financial system.”Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at a press conference.

The Kremlin’s response comes the day after the Joe Biden administration was surprised by the expulsion of ten Russian diplomats. The Democrat has also extended restrictions on US banks that negotiate debt issued by the Russian government.

According to Minister Lavrov, the expulsion of 10 American diplomats has been announced due to systematic rapes by American officials, including military attachés. Since the Russian foreign ministry accused the United States of betting on a continued deterioration of relations and of its policy aimed at containing Moscow.

Lavrov also published a list of eight US officials who will not be allowed to enter the country due to its anti-Russian policy. They include Merrick Garland, Attorney General; Michael Carvajal, director of the Bureau of Prisons; Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary for National Security; Susan Rice, director of the Domestic Policy Council; Christopher Wray, Director of the FBI, and Avril Danica Haines, Director of Intelligence. John Bolton, who was a national security adviser in the Donald Trump administration, and James Woolsey, former director of the CIA, are also on the list.

On the other hand, it will limit and order the cessation of activities of non-governmental organizations and foundations that openly interfere in Moscow’s internal affairs. While The sanctions are also expected to delay the return to Washington of Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov., who was summoned by Vladimir Putin’s administration for consultations after Biden called him a “murderer” in a TV interview.

“Ambassador Antonov continues consultations. The situation is very complex”Lavrov explained. The minister added that the Kremlin recommends that US Ambassador John Sullivan return to his country for consultations with his superiors.

The foreign minister appealed to the sanity of the United States and demanded to renounce the policy of confrontation. “The measures taken are only part of what we have. We want to avoid further escalation with the United States.”said in the official statement.

“The reality is that from Washington we hear one thing and in practice we see another. There should be no doubt. No wave of sanctions will go unanswered “, continues the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He also refers to Biden’s proposal to hold a Russian-American summit in a third country. “When this offer was made, it was positively received and is now seen in the context of concrete events.”said Minister Lavrov’s statement.


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