Ten companies concentrate 90% of cereal exports


A report prepared by the Rosario Stock Exchange indicates that, in the ranking of companies, after the location of these first three companies, COFCO (4th position) with 6.8 million tons, Aceitera General Deheza – AGD – (5 6, 7 million tonnes and Vicentin (sixth place) with 6.5 million tonnes.

Individually, the company that exported the most grain to Argentina in 2018 was ADM, with 7.3 million tonnes. In by-products (flours), the leading company was Vicentin, with 4.9 million tonnes, and in oils, the number one was also Vicentin, with 1.1 million tonnes.

Thus, the concentration in the Argentine agricultural export sector is obvious, because if 10 main exporters are calculated (which results from the increase in the number of previous companies Vicentin, Dreyfus, Oleaginosa Moreno, Molinos Agro and ACA), group he sent abroad about 63 million tons, accounting for 90% of the national total.

In terms of grain exports, Brazil was the largest buyer at 5.7 million tonnes, followed by Vietnam with 4.4 million tonnes. Both countries buy 25% of the grain shipped by Argentina. If we add to these two buyers Algeria, China and Egypt, the five countries buy 51% of Argentine cereals (10.3 million tons out of a total of 40.1 million tons).

In soybeans, China has asked for 96% of the beans that our country shipped in 2018: 3,264,038 tonnes. The participation of the Asian giant in this market has intensified compared to the previous year, when it had absorbed 87% of total national deliveries.

In the case of wheat, Brazil remained Argentina's largest customer. In 2018, out of a total of 11.2 million tonnes of grain shipped abroad, our neighbors acquired about 5 million tonnes, or about 44%.

In the corn, 5 countries bought 63% of the Argentine cereal in 2018: Vietnam, Algeria, Egypt, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. In 2017, these countries were already, in the same order, the main buyers. There has been no major development on the main corn trade routes. This group acquired 13.4 million tonnes of maize out of a total shipment of 21.3 million tonnes.


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