Ten thousand towers of Trump in 800 days | As revealed …


After just over 800 days in office, US President Donald Trump has made more than 10,000 false or misleading statements. That's what the Washington Post says in a report released yesterday based on the findings of the newspaper's "The Fact Checker" database, which reviews and evaluates the president's claims since his entry in office on January 20, 2017.

Among the false or misleading statements that Trump makes most often, there are those relating to immigration, for example, when he states that the opening of the borders causes a large number of crimes on the territory. American soil, although there is no evidence of the link between illegal immigration and crime. In a recent political act, the tycoon said that he had nothing to hide from the investigation of Russia's interference, but had refused to testify under oath. Trump continued to exaggerate the amount of work created during his administration by starting the countdown since the election and not since he took office, says the report of the data badysis site The Fact Checker, which belongs to the Washington Post.

The Republican, who regularly calls journalists "enemies of the people" and calls for "false information," said that those responsible for verifying the facts are the most dishonest people in the media.

Although, according to the Post, about one-fifth of Trump's claims concerned migration issues, this percentage increased during the partial closure of the government as he sought funding for the construction of a wall at the border with the government. Mexico. In fact, according to the morning American newspaper, his most repeated misstatement – 160 times – is that construction had already begun. While Congress opposed the financing of the cement wall that he had in mind, he attempted to start building a fence (in continuous poles) and repairing existing barriers such as "a wall".

The report explains that their political acts are a very rich source of misrepresentations or falsehoods: 22% occurred in this context (via Twitter or statements to the press). In the first place, the president exaggerated the trade deficit with Japan, China and the European Union and said, wrongly, that the United States was losing money for these deficits. He also launched a series of exaggerated or false attacks against the Democrats, in which it was notably stated that the Green New Deal – a set of policy proposals to combat global warming – would require the replacement of all buildings from Manhattan and the Democrats They supported the slaughter of healthy babies.

At the same time, Trump overestimated the possible impact of the new trade deal with Canada and Mexico and criticized the previous (North American free trade) treaty, although there are few differences between them.

He also welcomed the creation of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative program, which his government has attempted to eliminate. The president even went so far as to declare that the new embbady in Jerusalem would be built of Jerusalem stone (pale limestone), although the municipality had already taken up a mandate according to the British decree under an ordinance establishing a warmer limestone facade for all buildings. , with a golden tone.

During the first hundred days at the head of the executive, the New York mogul made an average of five false statements a day. But in the past seven months, this daily number has soared to 23, whether in campaign scenarios, Twitter, speeches or press meetings, according to the publication. This period coincided with a great political activity in the country, during which the President deployed his rhetoric to the right and left: at all meetings preceding the mid-term elections, at the closing of the elections. a partial government provoked by his insistence on the financing of a wall on the border with Mexico and the announcement of the publication of the special report of the Attorney General on the interference of Russia in l 39; 2016 presidential election. Between April 25 and 27, the president recorded a productivity spike when he collected 171 false or misleading statements, more than he had done per month during the first few months. month of his presidency.

The goal of The Fact Checker site is to review the statements made by the users of the strategy, whether they act nationally or internationally. The measure to evaluate the declarations is the "Pinocchio". That an affirmation has a Pinocchio means that it is "almost the whole truth"; two Pinocchio, "half truth, half lie"; third, when there are real statements taken out of context, which makes them misleading, and four, directly, lies.

According to the Post, the inclination of the New York mogul to propagate erroneous information is demonstrated by the fact that nearly 300 cases were entered into the Fact Checker database, in which the head of the republic repeated a variant of the same statement -false or misleading, at least three times. They even awarded him 21 endless Pinocchio, which are placed when a very false statement is repeated at least 20 times.


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