Tens of thousands of Israelis have protested against the immunity of Netanyahu's prosecution


Some 100,000 Israelis demonstrated Saturday in the streets of Tel Aviv against an initiative that would grant immunity to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a series of corruption charges. The event, convened by the main opposition party, Blue and White, as well as the Labor Party and the Meretz, carried a central message: "Let's end the law on immunity – a defense wall for democracy ",

Participants gathered in front of the city's art museum and asked to protect the democratic identity of Israel against what they regard as the excesses of the prime minister.

Last month, Netanyahu was elected prime minister for a fifth term. However, he could be accused of fraud and corruption in the months to come.

Some demonstrators wore Ottoman-style fez hats and portraits of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, claiming that "it symbolized the kind of regime we oppose".

Benny Gantz, the former Israeli army chief, who had competed with Netanyahu in the last election, spoke to the crowd and said the Israeli dream "would collapse" under the leadership of the Prime Minister. "There are those who are trying to replace the people's government with the one-man government and enslave an entire nation to the interests of one man."

Gantz's partner, Yair Lapid, was another opposition participant: "We are not his subjects, we will not let him destroy the Supreme Court, he is not above the law" , he said, referring to the Prime Minister's attempts. to reduce the room for maneuver of the judicial entity.

A few hours before the rally, there was some controversy because initially, no Arab parliamentary representative was expected. Finally, Ayman Odeh, of the Hadash-Ta'al coalition, said before the mbades: "I am here today because I believe that Judeo-Arab unity is the only way to create hope and change. " He added: "We, the Arabs of Israel alone, will not succeed, but without us, it is impossible".

In February, the Israeli Attorney General said that he was considering accusing Netanyahu of fraud and corruption. It is presumed that the Prime Minister accepted gifts from wealthy businessmen and offered favors to try to get more positive press coverage.

Netanyahu denied all the irregularities and claimed to be a victim of a left "witch hunt". Likud has not yet formed a coalition government despite weeks of talks and negotiations. The deadline is May 29, after which the president has the right to invite another member of the Knesset parliament to judge him.


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