Tension and terrifying surprise: Judge discovered woman’s assailant was in victim’s house during Zoom hearing


Preliminary Examination 3B District Court March 2, 2021

In Michigan, United States, a man accused of domestic violence allegedly appeared at the victim’s home while the hearing, this despite having a no-contact order, which forced the man to stay away from her.

Coby Harris, 21 he allegedly assaulted his girlfriend Mary lindsey on February 9, at his home, located in Sturgis, Michigan, United States.

The video of the hearing, which took place on Tuesday, March 2, was uploaded to YouTube from the judge’s channel. Jeffrey Middleton, who handled the case.

The Deputy Prosecutor, Deborah Davis, he seemed to have noticed, at some point in the audience, that the two were in the same place.

As Davis asked the victim, Mary lindseyThe night she was assaulted, she hesitated to answer questions or explain why she had not called the police on the occasion.

At one point during the hearing, the victim and the alleged perpetrator turned off their cameras.  Photo: Screenshot of the video
At one point during the hearing, the victim and the alleged perpetrator turned off their cameras. Photo: Screenshot of the video

After that, the camera of Coby harris He went off for a few seconds and Lindsey looked to the side, her face off the camera.

Subsequently, the deputy district attorney stated that she had reason to believe that the accused was at the same address as the woman and mentioned being afraid for her safety.

“Your Honor, I have reason to believe that the defendant is currently in the same apartment as the complainant and I am very afraid for her safety. “, He said.

“And the fact that she’s looking to the side and he’s moving, I want to have confirmation that he’s safe before I continue.”, he mentioned.

After that, the judge asked Lindsey and Harris where they were. Lindsey, at first, only said that in a house. The judge, unconvinced, asked for the address where he was, to which the woman replied “It’s my house”. The judge asked for the address again and she gave it to him.

The alleged perpetrator reappeared on the victim's cell phone screen.  Photo: video screen printing
The alleged perpetrator reappeared on the victim’s cell phone screen. Photo: video screen printing

The judge then approached Harris, also asking for his address. He mentioned a different address than Lindsey’s. The judge asked Harris to take his phone outside while they were on the Zoom call, to show him the house number, to which Harris replied that he did not have enough charge.

Judge Jeffrey Middleton and Assistant District Attorney Deborah Davis shook their heads.

Davis reported that the police had already been sent to his home and they knocked on the door, just as Harris gave his address elsewhere.

Harris and Lindsey’s cameras were turned off for a few moments as she opened the door for officers.

“It’s a problem we didn’t have when we were in the field live”, Judge Jeffrey Middleton said. “This is the first time that I know, if he is in the same place where it happened. Kudos to the Sturgis Police Department for following up on this matter. “

Following this, Harris reappeared, now from Lindsey’s phone, with a cigarette in his mouth and a policeman standing behind him.

Photo: video screen printing
Photo: video screen printing

“Your honor, Mary and I we don’t want contact, I ask that it be eliminated, ”he said. “I’m sorry I lied to you. He knew the police were outside. I don’t know why I lied to you, ”he said. After that, Assistant Davis raised a hand to her face, as if she was worried.

The judge advised him not to say more and to take the cigarette out of his mouth.

“Mr. Harris, I advise you not to say anything else, take the cigarette out of your mouth. The hearing is postponed.”

Judge Middleton told Harris his bail had been canceled, noting Davis would likely file an additional obstruction of justice charge against him.

“This may be a situation where you and Mary would like the bond conditions to be lifted,” [o] you want them to get up, she doesn’t “, He said. “We are as serious as a heart attack, this is the first time that a person sitting in the next room can intimidate a witness.”

“You have hit rock bottom and continue to dig,” added the judge, before ordering the police to arrest the alleged assailant.

Harris’ attorney did not immediately respond to a request for comment. His client already faces up to 10 years in prison for the first charge.

Local station WOOD-TV reported that Assistant District Attorney Debora Davis was told before the hearing that Harris may be at Lindsey’s home and dispatched agents ahead of time.


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