Tension for the "war" trade between China and the United States | Chronic


Despite a new threat from the president Donald Trump, the Chinese government reacted to the increase in tariffs imposed by the United States on its exports by a reciprocal measure on US products valued at $ 60 billion, which immediately shook the international financial markets.

The Chinese Tariff Commission has announced that it will set tariffs of between 5% and 25% on more than 5,100 US exports as of June 1st, according to the Ministry of Finance. The Global Times.

I also read: <a href = "https://www.cronica.com.ar/mundo/Amigos-son-los-amigos-EEUU-se-quiere-reunir-con- China-20190512-0025.html "target =" _ blank ">Friends are friends: the United States wants to meet China

In parallel, the official media publisher, Hu Xijin, advanced by Twitter that China could suspend purchases of agricultural and energy products in the United States, reduce its purchase orders to the US Boeing company and restrict trade in services with this Western power.

China's response to Trump's decision to end the truce that the two governments signed last December in Buenos Aires on the sidelines of the G20 summit immediately shook some international financial markets and devalued the currencies of some developing countries , like Turkey and Brazil.

The Dow Jones industrial index fell 1.8% and the Nasdaq index by 2.55%, while the specialized information chain Bloomberg predicts a further collapse of the shares of the Apple company , one of the most affected by the trade war between China. and the United States.

I also read: Global stock markets collapsed by a tweet from Trump

The fear aroused in the international financial markets is not only due to China's decision to react to the break-up of Trump's truce, but also to the fact that the US president had again publicly threatened Beijing. "Many fare-based companies are going from China to Vietnam or other similar Asian countries, so China is so desperate to reach an agreement that there will be no one left in China to do business, which is very bad for China and good for the United States! ", wrote on his Twitter account.

I openly say to President Xi and all my many friends in China that China will be hit hard if you do not reach an agreement because companies will be forced to leave China for other countries. Too expensive to buy in China. You've had a good deal, almost done, and you've gone back!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 13, 2019

"But China has benefited so much in the United States in recent years that they have a long way ahead of us (our presidents have not done their job.) Therefore, China should not not retaliate, it would make the situation worse! "He continued.

"I openly say to President Xi and all my friends in China that China would suffer a lot if it did not reach an agreement because companies would be forced to leave China and go to other countries. would be very expensive to buy in China, complete and you have withdrawn! "he added, speaking directly to his Chinese counterpart. Despite growing tensions and further tariff escalation, both governments have emphasized in recent hours that bilateral trade negotiations are continuing.

The unexpected 3.2% of GDP in the first quarter was greatly helped by tariffs from China. Some people just do not understand!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 13, 2019


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