Tension in Ecuador: curfew and militarization in Quito are decreed


Lenín Moreno on Twitter

In a national chain statement, Moreno said: "Citizens, everything is perfectly clear and it is also, advantageously for the indigenous brothers, it is the traffickers, the drug traffickers, they are the kings of the Latin crime, the Corréists, they are the ones dedicated to carrying out these acts of vandalism, the natives already detect them and separate them from their ranks It is important that this call for dialogue launched by the President of the Republic has been welcomed by them and I thank them and congratulate them. "

At least six people have died and 937 have been injured since the start of nine days of riots in Ecuador on the occasion of demonstrations against the Ecuadorian government's austerity plans, according to the latest report presented this Saturday by the office of the mediator.

Similarly, the figure remaining is 1,127 arrested during the clashes, which led the country's president, Lenín Moreno, to declare the curfew and the intervention of the army in Quito from 22 hours tonight, time of the Spanish peninsula.

President Lenín Moreno has curfew in Quito and valleys

The largest number of people arrested is registered in Pichincha (471), followed by Guayas (308), and the deceased have already been identified and communicated to family members, according to the latest assessment of the agency.

At the same time, the prosecutor's office of Ecuador warned that the perpetrators of the riots and vandalism would be repressed for terrorism, in accordance with Article 366 of the Criminal Code, in the face of acts "aimed at the political destabilization of the institutions and the structure of the state ".


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