Tension in the neighborhood of Martin due to a fire in an uninhabited house with permit to demolish


This afternoon, a fire broke out in a two-storey house between May 1 and 1600, which is uninhabited and has a demolition permit.

A team of firefighters from Bomberos arrived at the scene at the call of the neighbors and discovered that the attention had been left free in a room where to store objects such as membranes, mattresses, wood and cardboard was a fire.

The soldiers worked intensely for half an hour and managed to smother the flames, while taking preventive measures to avoid injuries.

In the first few minutes, the causes of the accident were not clear, but it turned out that the origin of the accident was intentional.


To integrate

Although a column of smoke of considerable magnitude could be appreciated in the area, it was not necessary to mourn the victims or the wounded.

In addition, the transit was interrupted on May 1 between Pellegrini and Montevideo, but then returned to normal.


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