Tension is rising against attacks on Saudi Arabia: Iran has ruled out any "negotiations" with the United States


Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, ruled out any talks with the United States on Tuesday, in the midst of escalating tensions over attacks on Saudi oil installations that Washington attributes to Tehran.

"The policy of" maximum pressure "against the Iranian nation is useless and all the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran believe unanimously that there will be no negotiations with the United States at any level, "said Jamenei according to its official website.

Increasing tension between the United States and Iran

Tehran and Washington are faced since May last year, when the United States unilaterally withdrew from the 2015 agreement on the Iranian nuclear program and Reapplied severe economic sanctions in the country, in a campaign that calls "maximum pressure".

Iran reacted by failing to meet several of its commitments to the agreement, which was to give up its nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions.

The United States announced on Monday that their army was preparing to respond to the "unprecedented" drone attack on several oil installations in Saudi Arabia and that they forced halve its production of crude oil, which has led to a fall in oil prices.

The offensive was claimed by Shiite Houthi rebels from Yemen, a group that has the support of Iran. According to Saudi Arabia, the weapons used in the attack were allegedly manufactured by Iran.

On Monday, Iranian President Hasan Rohani said the attacks were a act of self-defense by the Houthis against the Saudi military coalition they have been facing since 2015.

"Yemen is subject to daily bombings … The people of Yemen have been forced to react, they are only defending themselves," the Iranian president told Ankara (Turkey).

Trump pointed out Iran for its bombing against refineries

Trump said that the United States is ready to support Saudi Arabia, your main ally in the region. "I'm not trying to get into a new conflict, but sometimes you have to do it," Trump said. "It was a large-scale attack and could result in a much bigger attack.""It seems at most that it is Iran"he badured.

For his part, US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper accused Iran of being a destabilizing force in the region, without explicitly citing it as responsible for the attack.

A day after the attacks, the White House announced that Mr. Trump could meet his Iranian counterpart, Hasan Rohani, in New York next week, where the UN General Assembly will be held.

But Khamenei said any kind of negotiation with Iran would cause the United States to "impose its demands on Iran" and signify the success of its "maximum pressure" policy. The Supreme Leader reiterated his rejection Tuesday and said that if the United States "regretted" and returned to the joint Global Action Plan (the official name of the 2015 agreement), they could talk to the Iran and other parts of the pact.

"Otherwise, there can be no negotiation" between the leaders of the two countries "at any level, whether in New York or elsewhere."


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