Terra-planers travel to the "end of the world" in search of a wall of ice | Chronic


The publication of a video on the flat Earth theory by a popular "youtuber", as well as the recent announcement from proponents of this belief about their intention to travel to Antarctica to reach the "End of the world", which apparently consists in a wall of ice, he revived interest in this phenomenon.

Media around the world have also contributed to the dissemination of a topic that, despite the criticism it raises, is gathering a growing number of supporters. It is not in vain that the organizers of international conferences of Tierra Plana, aware of the popularity of this idea, expressed last January their will to lead an expedition in 2020 to find the said frozen barrier.

The organization did not provide much details about the future trip, apart from a photo on its official website and a commentary that the expedition presented as "the biggest, the most daring and the best adventure to date". The next terraplanistas conference is scheduled for November 14 and 15 this year in Dallas, Texas, where more information on the odyssey could emerge.

As a result of the announcement, few people drew attention to the inherent contradiction of a cruise expedition in search of the limits of the flat world, because the navigation systems used by these vessels and others are based on the sphericity of the Earth.

"Nautical charts are designed with this in mind" and the fact that the GPS receives information from satellites in orbit around our planet proves that the Earth is spherical, says Henk Keijer, former cruiser captain and expert for maritime forensics, to the British newspaper. The Guardian.

Meanwhile, the majority of members of the Plain Earth community believe that our planet is a disk surrounded by a large wall of ice. They do not therefore particularly fear the possibility of a fall as they reach their planet. supposed limits.

The famous "youtuber & # 39; Logan Paul On Wednesday, he published a video on his visit to the International Land Conference, where he interviewed defenders of this theory. Although he has expressed his intention to join the next expedition, the International Organization 'Flat Earth Society & # 39; (terraplanista movement) announced that he had not contacted him and that in no case did he intend to propose to be part of the company. organization. For its part, the "youtuber" confirmed at the end of his video that the theory is rejected.

The movement of the flat earth

The international organization 'Flat Earth Society', pioneering in the defense of this theory, was established in 1956 in the United States and has not stopped since to promote a series of postulates for refute the theory that the Earth is round.

In particular, those linked to this idea badume that NASA and the rest of the space agencies are large fraudulent and international money-laundering organizations and that space launches or the sending of satellites are false missions. Among the advocates of the theory, the idea that the journey into space was a film montage is quite predictable.

The terraplanista Patricia Steere, this makes interviews and speaks in favor of the movement in his YouTube channel think that one of the tests that the Earth is flat, is the existence of the oceans.

"The water can not get into a ball shape"added the woman, adding that if the Earth were a sphere, all the water would fall, badures that Houston Chronicle. Steere also questions the existence of gravity, since, he explains, it is the weight and not the gravity that makes objects fall to the ground, instead of floating in the air. air. "It's called the theory of gravitation", brandishing, insisting on the word "theory". This also ensures that the fact that you do not see a curvature of the Earth from an airplane confirms your point of view.

Against Magallanes

In any case, the flat Earth theory is closely surrounded by criticism and skepticism on the part of the majority of the international community, because the concept of spherical Earth dates back to ancient Greek philosophy 2,000 years ago . In addition, the first round of the world MagellanElcanoPractice the roundness of the Earth.


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