Terrible: they find a man with mutilated genitals on the Chilean border


The event took place around 7 am this morning, near the International Curarrehue Pbad with Chile, a few kilometers from Lanín Volcano in Neuquén.

A man of Argentine nationality was found with cut bads and no part of his clothes near the international Mamuil Malal pbad (with Chile), one kilometer from Lanín volcano in Neuquén. Apparently, it would come from Junín de los Andes. According to police information, the man would have appeared in the Puesco area around 7 am on Tuesday.


"Indeed, a terrible news was discovered, a very complex situation around 7 am in the area of ​​Puesco, after the Carabineers of the Curarrehue detachment arrived at this place, where they found a completely cut off Argentine citizen. clothing in its lower part ", explained Mauricio Ojeda, governor of the province of Cautín.

In addition, he stated that the victim was "in serious condition and that she had been transferred to the regional hospital, as reported by Carabineros, and that the SIP is responsible for investigating this serious situation ".

At the same time, another source told the media that the details of his arrival there are unknown, given that the man refused to speak and did not even want to be treated.

The man was found by an officer who monitored the roads, then carabinieri intervened. The victim had lost a lot of blood and started hypothermia because she was half naked.


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